1. the dream

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Music was loud for her liking . And crowd was out of their mind at this time of night in the club. She wasn't sure whether she should go further or not. But this contemplation didn't last longer when a familiar face apper in crowd.

Never the less she walk further inside the club. Swaying her hips on the rhythm of song and walking , was her talent. As she swim deeper in the crowd she was able to see more familiar faces and then her best friend Emmy shouted. Her eyes were shining as her eyeshadow sparkle here and there on her eyelids . Due to loud music her voice can't be heard even to herself. So she laughed and approached her.

"so bea! You make it! "Emmy's voice was still unheard by Bea but she read the lips of her childhood friend. She nodded her head with a cheeky grin. Both went to her group of 5 who was still dancing on floor. They all hugged Bea and approach the drink bar. They started to order their drinks and it was like a miracle that the waiter present their drinks Inspite of ear deafening music.

After some shots they hit the floor once again. After some songs the whole group was scattered on the floor. Suddenly Bea feel someone too close to her liking. But she just shake her thought and started to dance again. This time she feel a hand on her hips. And god forgive her but she never feel this kind of emotion or whatever happen to her in that moment. She sharply tuned to the person.

Holy mother finger fries.... Mm

He was hot. Not scratch it he was god no again scratch it he is sex god. Yes a sexy Greek sex god. His smirk making his lips more attractive and his eyes shine in darkness. And the color in it. Oh holy god.. She was just praying to god to save her life from the beauty of his eyes. It's was grey. Greyer than Christian Grey's eyes.

His hight was foot or 2 longer .she was still in awe. How can a person be this tall and the way he was dancing with her was incredible. Inspite of so much height difference both was in sync. Like they have mastered every move already back at studio.

First time in so long she wants to impress someone. She started to dance more seductively and gracefully. Both of their eyes was lock. It seems like every puzzle in this world was in their eyes and both wanted to solve it. His only presence was making her hot and bothered.

After a long time of dancing when her body was soaked in sweat which was last thing on her mind she fill the geek sex god lowering his head. His eyes on her lips. She wasn't sure due to anticipation or because of dryness of her lips she slides her Tunge on it. And she notice this action makes his eyes darker. His slow speed was making her irritate the Shit out of her.

As his hot breath fan her face she close her eyes in sure anticipation.

"Let's go outside this place is getting crowded. "much to her disappointment he whispered In her ears. And lightly bite it. It make her eyes popped open and her southern reason wet.

Before she can give him any permission. His hands were in capturing her hands. And it's was like a puzzle piece which was lost long ago met tonight. Every curve of his hand fits in hers. Inspite her hand was like a toddler in his hands but it still looks good to her.

But as they were approaching exit a hand grabbed her hips which make her jolt and snap out of her dream. The strangers hand was was glided in her waist roughly and it makes the Greek god stop. Bea was really afraid at this point.

And in second the assaulter was on the floor with a bloody mouth and the giant sex god on him. Everyone was surrounding them. She was scared.

And her best friend was back with a boy with a worried expression. "Bea let's go ."
"but Emmy he is fighting for me. I can't go "she muttered with tears escaping down her cheeks.
"Lets go Bea before police come and trust me Steve will not be happy about it. "

And this name was like gallons of water on fire for her. It was like earthquake which shook her from a her dreams. Because it wasn't just a name. It is name of havoc which has shaken her life three years ago. Not in a bad way but in a good way.

After all he was her boyfriend . Steven and September. The name known by everyone in city. A wrestler's girlfriend was she. And trust it he was not a good person not a single bit. But only Bea knows that he was not a demon but a god with a temper. He can be destructive but he has constructed her life and many others.

And if he knows that a man touched her without her permission he will kill him. No he will make him disappear in worlds record of history. He loves her. And she loved him.

She escape the exit but lastly glance at the person who made her feel all this thing just by one touch and she is going to regret that moment. She is going to live in a agony. And she is going to hate him.she is a cheater. But it was a one time thing. Better she is not going to meet him again not in a million year. And thats final.

So what do you think who is this sex Greek good? And is Bea really cheating on her boyfriend?
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