2.the desire

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Have you ever stolen something out of need but when you see the real owner and you know it was his or her last string of hope? How you felt? And that was how Bea was feeling. Her journey to home was nothing but mourn . She was now exhausted and tired. Self loathing was making her physically and mentally detain out of energy. Her big brown eyes which contained joy of whole world merely shows any emotion. Her brown hair which was done neatly only some hours ago seems nest due to constant raking of her hand through it.

On the other hand Emmy was really upset by her bff. She had just listen all her friends rambling and left her new found love at club. But that wasn't the problem for her. The problem was her childhood friend was sad and feeling guilty about nothing but for flirting with a mere worthless men having some looks and charms. While she knows many girls doing girls knows what  even having a boyfriend. Then why her friend was like this? Now it was out of her patience level.

"what is this? I have told you many times that its ok what you have done with that a**hat. It was just flirting nothing else. Just chill and if you she'd another tear now I swear to god I will search that fu**er ,then your pathetic boyfriend and kill both of them bare hands. "she seethed.

"Then who will love me? "at this point Bea knew if she will not light up the mood her friend will do exactly same.

"Oh ! Me me me! I ll love you Bea. "Emmy was Fine by this little mood change of her friend. Now she was sure she will get over it. "Bea go to sleep now it's little long drive"

And with that Bea drifted in her slumber. Her worries of entire night can wait till morning she was sure of that.

When she feels the car came to a stop she peeped through her sleep filled lashes. But before that a pair of strong hands was lifting off of passenger seat.

The straight in the lifter hand was not only safe but soothing. She open her eyes and saw same eyes she has seeing for last three years. The same eyes which showed her thousands of emotions and the most of the emotion appeared in that eye for her was love. The baby blue eyes were not not seeing her but making sure that in way to home the she doesn't get uncomfortable by stumbling on something. But at that time bar can see it was tired.

"were you waiting for me on the door? "curiosity was evident in her voice.

"no, I was out because I just returned to a run. " his voice was so confident that his lie got covered with it . Then he felt the loosening of hands behind his neck as saw his lover rest her head on his chest . She was as beautiful as a clear night. Her freckles were like star in the sky . And that's why he feels he can't quit staring her even in her sleep. As creepy as it sounds staring her wasn't feels like that. When he reached to the door of her room which was open he could feel that both she and her room smell same. Vanilla wasn't his flavor but now it was his addiction. He place her gently on bed and remove her shoes and tucked her under the covers.

He can see how peaceful she was sleeping as if she had been drunk. But a very few people knows that she doesn't drink. For her sweets was her high. He still remember how on his first date she jumped in cold water in month of December after eating whole lot of Candy's. And that wasn't her first time doing something stupid. There were many more. He still has her clothes form first date in his closet, he still has her first love latter and he still has his shirt drenched in ketchup by her when they first met. He has almost everything which give him the feel that it is real and she is with him.

No not because he was afraid that she will disappear but because he knew she wasn't meant for him.

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