3. falling from grace.

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Have you ever felt like you are forgetting something after waking up? Or ever felt like flying in clouds for no particular reason after your sleep?

Bea was feeling like every thing in her life is on place after the tornado happened last night. She was sure she is not going to see that person again. And that feeling made her eyes shut in peace again. But as soon as her eyes could see dreams her alarm goes off. She moved to shut it down and saw mesmerising site jest to her eyes. Her love of life sleeping on carpet next to her bed. She switched off the alarm not to wake him up. Not right now.

He was looking so vulnerable but cute at the moment. His long eyelashes fanning his cheeks and lips were parted. All his tattoo were on display except those which were spacial for him. Which she haven't seen yet. But soon she will see it . And it make her feel special . Her eyes quickly scan his face for the hint of his awakening but he was still fast asleep. But her eyes caught sight of his lips again. They were dry but baby pink and plump and..........soft. Many time she wanted to taste it in a day. Those lips were as soft as feather she knew this because on many occasions he might kiss her hand, her forehead and her cheeks. She remembers he had kissed her lips once. But it was a pack. Nevertheless it was really overwhelming feeling.

She wanted his lips not only just some places but everywhere on her body . On her lips, on her chin,on her jaws neck, on her boobs kissing it sucking, liking it, while his hand explore all her body and his grey eyes stare into her soul. His grey eyes..........

As an electric shock her body jolted by the image formed into her mind. It wasn't of Steve. No it was of the person who tried to seduce her in club. That god like men was now a monster for her. His image was like imprinted in her mind. She just wanted to get rid of it. And the best way was to indulge in her work she get up her bed and head to shower.

Her shower wasn't comfortable and warm today. Because she knew if she feel the comfort the image will again appear in her mind. She hurriedly dried herself and get ready in her collage attire. It was simple. White sweater, black ripped jeans and vans. she exit her closest in hope to find her love on carpet so that she can snuggle for some minute with him.

But he wasn't their. With her broken hope and new Gucci bag she exit her room. Rose, their maid, was making breakfast.  The smell of becons were making her stomach crunch . But right now she need not to fill her hungry belly but her corrupted mind so that she can again fill the sense of tranquillity. But the questions was were is her fill?

The early morning sun make her shadow cast on the wooden polished floor. And it was joined by another. And now her sun rises .

"Let's go and eat" steaven said. But without any word she just wrap her arms around his body and inhaled his scent. It was mixture of lime and smell of earth . it made her mind fill the peace and assurance . But her mind can't register why she need assurance . They were the couple who knows that whatever happen they got their backs.

ignoring constant nagging of her conscious she nodded in approval. Both remain their with arms around each other and their shadows mingling at the floor.  She didn't register this phenomenon but someone else did. After a pregnant minute she broke the hug. And went to breakfast table.


Its said that if you love your job it makes your life easier. But in Bea's life nothing was easier . She loved her job of being a book store helper but fixing books according to different criteria was a job . It was almost closing time and some of books were still not on self for early morning sale . Hands of second was just like ticking time bomb. The only thing which she wanted was to finish this task and go home. After all the owner of this place was on vocation and her non existence Collogue were having an off day. And constantly she was feeling someone was watching her. Which was adding on her stress .she just wanted to scream and shut all the door and roll like a ball on floor.

And then the door open which make her eyes go wide. Steav was their. Before thinking anything she just hugged him .

On the other hand steav was surprised by sudden show of affection.but nevertheless he draped his arms around her making her legs lift from the ground. If death really wanted to get his life in this moment he will no question for once. Because she was his sanity , his peace. Her hugs were so warm that he just feel secure ,safe ,protected and loved.........

After greeting her he was still living her in his arms ." put me down you hulk" she playful glared lifting her head from his rapid beating heart.

" you are the one who lunged on me like a monkey." He contoured.

" so now I m saying put me down . you bulldog" now she was anger by his comment of monkey which was obviously her trick .

But he move to the reception desk and put her on it. His legs between hers.

" so when are you gona be free baby" he asked watching her chocolate brown eyes .

" I have to put all those books in selves and then place all selves at the specific place "she pouted .

" I can help in that babe" He offer.

"You"  "yeah me"

"OK" she agreed seeing loads of work .

" you again put that book their !why are you changing little red riding hood from child fiction to adult one!"she growled.

"Beacuse that's where it belongs!" He said in confused tone.

"No ,its not you fool.!" She hit him with a book which failed the target and land on floor with a thud.

This caught his attention. His eyes change into a darker shade and he started to walk in her directions "oh ,so I am a fool?" he said menacingly .

"N..yes" she smirked at him which stepping back to maintain the distance.

But her back was mere inches away from the wall which was now in contact with it.

And in just two long but slow stride Steven was there.

"You were saying something sweetheart?" His focus was everywhere but on her lips.

"Yes" her voice was so delicate at the response that it can melt stone into wax.

Both were anticipating, wanting and leaning towards each other. Their lips were just a mere inch apart when the door open. And with the great dismiss they separated .

"How can .....oh hi" Steve walk to the person who just entered the shop with enthusiasm.

"Hi.I didn't expected you , the hunk , at a book shop." The new visitor asked somewhat amused.

"What can I say after all my girlfriend need a hand here. So how you here?" He asked politely.

"Just was bored so came to take a book to pass my boredom" he smirked .

"I am not good at choosing but here my girlfriend is .By the way meet my girlfriend September. September my one of investor Mr Samuel rennur." He introduced the two people who have met before but one was still in shock.

But as soon as Bea headed her boyfriend voice she came to her sense and saw the same mans hand extended for a handshake. She was still confused. Is he stalking her or what?But she just smiled at him refusing his hand which go unnoticed by her boyfriend.

"How can I help you Mr rennur? " she asked glaring dragger at him .While her boyfriend was placing book self's .

"Just want some fiction ." he told her. His eyes was everywhere but on her. She nodded and indicated to follow her hopping it was last encounter with him.


So Justin briber is engaged😭😭.What are your opinion on this event . you know what I am really in tears by his insta post proposal. I want someone like him. Lol but its k . he must be sleeping somewhere. And now i am like whatever.

So tell me your opinion on this chapter .and please vote comment and share and also love me😚😍.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2018 ⏰

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