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"You're useless Deku, you'll never become a hero with no quirk. Why don't you just throw yourself off the roof and be over with it. Hope you'll have a quirk in your next life." Young Bakugou Katsuki taunted Midoriya Izuku, who sat on the floor staring at his empty hands. Bakugou strode out of the classroom, followed by his two loonies. Midoriya looked at their retreating figures, his eyes then glazing over as he turned his head to look out at the window where a book of his had been thrown out a few moments before.

Midoriya felt numb, but at the same time, he felt that the nickname Bakugou had given him when they were children, 'Deku' (meaning useless) was a true representation of himself.

He picked himself up off the floor and slid to the door. He left his possessions strewn about on the floor. He leaned heavily on the walls as he made his way to the staircase. "Down," his mind told him, but up his legs moved. He pushed open the door to the roof, startling a pigeon. he crept over to the edge, his feet dragging along the floor. Bakugou Katsuki had taken it too far this time, and Midoriya was going to make sure he knew.

He teetered on the edge of the buidling, looking down below him, at the students walking out of the gates of the school.

"Young man," a calm voice said, "come down from there."

Midoriya turned around with tear-filled eyes, seeing a man with no eyes. "You're all right," the man soothed, "I won't hurt you, I want to help you. To show you that young Bakugou Katsuki was wrong about you. You are not useless young man. I can prove it."

"How?" Midoriya whimpered, his head dropping. This man could never understand what it was like to be quirkless.

"Come with me, I can show you." The man held out an open palm, offering Midoriya an alternative route to the path he was headed down.

Midoriya lifted his head and took a step towards the man. As he left the spot, a brush of air caressed him, as if he were passing through a bubble. He took the man's hand and turned to look at the edge once more, catching a glimpse of himself falling from the roof edge before his world turned black.

Badda-bing, badda-boom!
Another story for me to procrastinate with. (Faint cheering in background).

This is probably not gonna be finished like my three thousand other stories, but you might enjoy it while it's being written!

Thanks for your support and stuff I guess.

~ RubyKat44

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