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(Y/n)'s pov
It seemed like it was a normal day at school. Every student groaning about homework and teachers doing the usual lectures. I happened to be going to my last class which was math.
Walking down the hall, I hummed a song as I saw people heading to their classes as well.
"So glad it's finally my last class." I say looking around the hall. Almost to my class I just continue to walk. That is until I suddenly feel a heavy weight jump onto me.

"CHEN!!" I yell loudly, toppling over with a heavy male on top. Aka my best friend 'Chensing' the noisy talking dinosaur. Or dancing machine....but mostly a dinosaur.
"Why did you have to knock us over??" "I wanted to surprise you. You never get scared easily!"
"I'm not exactly Tao."
"No kidding..." Chen whispers a little, but (y/n) still hears him.
"What does that supposed to mean?!?" I stare at him, completely forgetting we are still sitting on the ground in the middle of the hallway.

(Y/n) (l/n). Was basically a normal teenage boy with (h/c) hair and dark (e/c) eyes. He went to a normal high school, and had a few friends. One being Chen, who he ended up meeting during a break freshman year. They literally bumped into each other, when Chen was running away from Suho, who is everyone's mom in their small group.
But let's get back to the story of being in the hallway.

"Let's just aren't exactly tall like Tao..."
"Hey! Are you calling me short! Because I w-"
"Mr. (L/n)! Mr. Kim! Would you like to explain yourself on why you're sitting in the middle of the hall, right in front of our class?"

"Uhhh, sorry we bumped into each other on the way here." I say, it wasn't a lie, but not exactly the full truth either.
"Well just hurry it up and get to your seats!"
"Okay!" We both say and hurriedly jump off the floor into the classroom. We don't exactly want her to get even more mad.

"Okay class lets begin by writing all of the notes from the board." The teacher says as she points to the black board on the wall.

"Looks like class is going to be boring again..."

-time skip-

"You ready to go (y/n)?" Chen asks walking up to me.
"Yeah, I just need to get somethings from my locker, I'll meet you in front of the school."
"Okay, see you there!" Running off, he disappears into the hall. While I pack the rest of my backpack and walk out to my locker. Standing in front of it, I punch in the numbers and grab the books I need to take home.
But as I finish grabbing things, I hear my phone go off.


"I wonder if that's Chen." I say as I grab my phone to look at the message. But when I see the screen, I look to see I have a message from a number I don't know.

-Slide to open messages-



Did you change your number Suho?

What?? I'm not Suho :))

Do I know you then?

No, but I wanted to talk to you ^^

Change ##### to Stranger?
Yes or no

Okay? Well how did you get my number?

I have my ways to do things

That's not the answer I'm looking for, but can you at least tell me your name?

Nope! That's classified ^^


I'm cute and the best person ( ' ▽ ' )


It's what I look like!

Well that's not a good description! I need to go because my friend is waiting for me

Waaah! How rude, I'm talking to you

Yeah, welll... bye (^_^)

Come back 。・゜・(ノД')・゜・。


Answer me!!!!

Hmph. Fine I can ignore you too!!

Change Stranger to Annoying person?
Yes or no

After I look at the messages from the sender, I zip up my bag and head out of the school.

"Hey! What took you so long?" Chen asks as I walk up to him.
"Sorry I got some messages from someone and was caught up with talking."
"Okay, well let's go then. Because I'm hungry and need to raid your fridge!"
"Hey! You can't eat all of my food!!"
"Not unless I get there first!" Chen yells and then runs away from me at full speed. I fully know he is heading right for my house.

"Hey get back here!!"

Running after him, I try to catch up. After all I can't let him get all of the food.

That's it for chapter 1!
I hope you like the book so far and I'll probably be working on a new one kinda soon.
See ya on the next update!

Have a good day/night!

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