Night Job

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(Y/n)'s pov

The day passed by quickly, that before I knew it, the daylight was soon disappearing. My shift was now over for the day, meaning time to get home and change then head out again.

Woozi was wiping down a table as Suho  checked the cashier, as I was leaving out the door.

"See you guys tomorrow!"

"...(y/n), you do realize it's your day off tomorrow, right?" Woozi comments.

"Oh. I guess I must of forgotten from working so much. Well then have a great night, Suho, Woozi!"

"See you later, (y/n)!" Suho yells as I leave out the door back home.

I normally have about an hour between my two jobs leaving me with just enough time to change and eat something before getting to the next place.

I walk up the sidewalk quickly walking home, so I had enough time to eat.

Time skip

I had ran home quick enough to change into my other job's uniform. It's more on the formal side as it isn't a cafe but actually a bar/restaurant. Where I work as a waiter, since the pay is pretty good and they make sure I don't have a super late shift it works well with my morning job. And it's not that bad of a distance from my house.

Leaving out the door after making sure I have everything and that my vest and tie were tidy I walk out and lock the door already heading to the restaurant.
With it being later, the weather was even cooler outside making the walk quieter and more even relaxing, which is nice compared to being in a noisy area with music and people.

But sadly the walk was short-lived as I already found myself in front of the restaurant, "Bronze Tree" which is normally filled with people for dinner as it seems like a popular place with excellent food.

I walk around and into the back door into the kitchen so I could clock in and get started. The faster the time went the better, so I could get home and sleep.

I walk in and already get greeted by some of the chefs, as they cook and grill different meats and other types of foods. I simply greet back, not wanting to distract them and cause them to overcook something.

I clock in and just immediately get to work and meet up next to recognizable co-waiter.

"Hey, Kris. How busy is it today?"

"Pretty busy like usual, we have happy hour happening right now, so it kind of made the crowd worse." Kris answers as a picks up another tray of food.

"Just great, well I guess I better get out there and serve people otherwise I just may lose out on some money."

"I think you're fine. You have a cute enough face they won't want to turn you down on a good tip."

"Jeez thanks, Kris."

"Just take it as a compliment, (y/n)."

"Sureee. You better get out there before customers complain how their food is cold." I say already walking passed him and out where tables are filled with people.

It's great getting to know the people I work with so well, it makes serving other people, irritated or not, just a little more bearable and fun. Sure I'm definitely tired after the long shift, but Kyungsoo will usually give me something he cooked, or Kris gets us some ice cream before we leave. So it's pretty rewarding when it's over.

The night went by well, not too many grumpy people with their meals today. I was fine, at least until I got a text while I was on a small five minute break.
I sigh already knowing who it is.

Hey! What are you up to right now?

I'm at work, so I can't talk

Work? But I thought you had work this morning??

I have two jobs. So I'm rather busy right now

Oh. Where do you work right now?

Nice try, I'm not telling you😶so you can give up now and leave me be

Why won't you tell me?

Well you could be a stalker... and I'm busy so I don't need distractions

What if I told you, if you told me then I will reveal who I am....

Hmmm... tempting I might take the offer but I need to go my break is over and I don't exactly want to get fired today.

I shut my phone off before the other could reply. Sighing as I think about who it could be and why do they keep bothering me.

"Reveal themself huh? I wish so I can beat their ass for bothering me..."

I push myself off the wall and back out to the open area of the restaurant.

"Well time to get back to work."

Hey, sorry this took FOREVER, I had writers block but now I'm back with this book.

Also sorry this was basically a filler chapter, but next chapter will be more interesting!

I've made a schedule so now this book will be updated every Tuesday or every other Tuesday depending on how much I wrote and I work on another book on this day as well.

So enjoy until next week for a new chapter!

Have a good day/night!
See ya in the next update

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2019 ⏰

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