Possibly failing plan

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(Y/n)'s pov

"Did any of you give my number away?"
It was a simple question, so I only assumed they would know maybe something about me getting a mysterious message.

But instead here we are at the cafe with them staring at me then back at each other. A fog of silence covering us.

"Well? Do you guys know anything about it?" I question further.

"Whaaa!! No I sure don't, do you Sehun??" Chen quickly says.

"Nope, I have no idea what you're talking about!!" Sehun just as quickly replies looking around frantically with his eyes.

"Are you sure guys? You're acting a bit odd."
"Hmm...." not really believing them, (y/n) still stares at the for a few more minutes before deciding to give up for now because there was other customers to be taken care of.
"You're off the hook this time, but I'm watching you two!" Pointing at both of them I walk away, to finally get back to work.

Chen's pov

The moment when (y/n) finally walks away, we both let out our breath. I'm pretty sure we were ready to have a heart attack.

"Dang, he can catch on pretty quickly..."

"Yeah, But I don't think he quite knows yet he only suspects us, Chen."

"True, but still he could catch us any minute! Its (y/n) we are talking about, remember?!?"

"You're right... we are so dead!!"

"Not so loud Chen!!"

They both turn their heads, finding (y/n) give them a sideways glance pointing his fingers at them in a "I'm watching you two!" way as he walks away serving another table.

"We're going to die aren't we?" Sehun asks looking towards his hyung.

"Yep. Let's enjoy life while we can."

Picking up their cups, they relax in the booth, knowing they will probably get killed in a few days.

(y/n)'s pov

I stare them down seeing if they might tell me or give up, but they don't. Instead they are looking around avoiding eye contact and drinking their coffee.

"Well there goes that plan."

(Y/n)'s pov

Deciding to get back to work, I choose to ignore them.

"Need any help, Jeonghan?"
Walking away, I take care of more customers.

Sehun's pov

Sitting here trying not to look guilty with Chen, is not easy. I was just about to take another sip of my coffee, until I suddenly hear a ding.

"I wonder who that could be."
Picking up my phone from the table, I recognize the person immediately.

"Look at that, speak of the devil."

Beagle🐶: hey Sebo- I mean Sehun!

Sebooty: what now Baek?

Beagle: Do you know where (y/n) works?

Sebooty: the answer is no

Beagle: Oh come on! Be nice to your hyung!!

1. You were about to call me Sebooty

Beagle: No I wasn't

And 2. (Y/n) just confronted me and Chen, so we don't need you bursting into here and (y/n) killing us.

Beagle: Wait?!? You guys are there NOW?!?!?

Yes, and still not telling you, because did you not read the "he is going to kill us" part?

Beagle: I'll go at a different time then! And at least tell me where he works at night.

Definitely not telling, because you would be staring like a creepy stalker

Beagle: That is not true! I am not a stalker!! And maybe I should just tell Suho-Eomma that you were the one that broke the Polaroid camera

You wouldn't dare!

Beagle: Try me!

Then I'll just tell everyone that when you play video games, you go "pew pew"

Beagle: I thought we wouldn't speak of that!!

Try me

Beagle: You won't get away with it
Beagle: not unless I do it first

Not unless I do it first

Sighing Sehun almost slams his phone down on the table, but restrains himself and places it down gently.

He didn't need to crack the screen right now.

"Who was that?" Chem asks staring at me, as I slump in the booth.

"The person who is going to get us killed."

"Oh well let's enjoy our lives while we can then."

"Yeah that sounds great." Leaning back in the booths they sip their coffee and think about what the after life will be like.

Sorry it's been forever, school is getting stressful and finales are coming up but I promise as soon I'm on break I'll be able to post more :)

Have a good day/night!
See ya in the next update

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