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Annoying person:
Hello!! (^。^)

Why are you awake right now??

Annoying person:
What? I have been awake and was bored

It's 4am I have work in a few hours and can't you talk to someone else?

Annoying person:
But I would rather talk to you (y/n)ie!! Where do you work??(╹◡╹)

1. Don't call me (y/n)ie!! And 2, why would I tell you? For all I know you could be a creepy 80 year old man

Annoying person:
Meanie! I swear I'm not 80 yrs old (T-T) and plzzzzzzz tell me (ᵔᴥᵔ)

Why are you using (ᵔᴥᵔ)? And no

Annoying person:
You're supposed to feel bad and tell me! And it's my puppy face (ᵔᴥᵔ)

Change Annoying Person to Puppy?
Yes or no

Ok.... well I'm getting up for work, I guess I'll talk to you later

Awww, but ok as long you text me when your done ^^

Yeah, sure

Turning my phone off, I get up from bed and start to get ready for work.
I have two jobs, one in the morning and the other at night. It's Strange, but it at least gets me enough money to pay rent.
So I grab a black shirt and pants, making sure to brush my (h/l) (h/c) hair on the way out of my room. Grabbing my keys, wallet, and phone. Along with a piece of toast in my mouth on the way out the door. Running my way to the (cafe name) cafe.

-Time skip-

"Hey, you just came right on time."
I hear as I walk in. At the cafe there are a few workers, being me, Woozi, and Suho.
"I got woken up earlier today, so I decided to come early." I say as I go to the employee room to put my apron on.
The manager was not strict at all about uniform, only thing is as long you wear the employee's apron it's basically your uniform.
"Hi Woozi, you're early too?" I say as I walk in to see the shorter male.
He was the shortest out of all of them, and usually changed his hair color a lot. Kind of reminds (y/n) of a little kid.

"Yeah, I got woken up by my neighbor's dog again. But see ya out there, you have serving table duty today." Woozi says on his way out of the room.

"Okay, I'll be right out." I quickly put my apron over my head and tie it. Then out the door back to the main area of the cafe. It was soon time to open.

"So I have kitchen duty, Woozi you have the counter and cashier, when
(y/n) will be serving tables." Suho instructs, finally putting the open sign up.

"Got it!"


A few minutes later, the cafe starts to slowly get filled with people. Saturday was always their busiest day.

"I'll have an iced coffee."
"Okay, coming right up! Go take a seat and you will be served shortly."

"Thank you." The customer goes to a table and Woozi puts the order in.

More people walk in, but two seem to stick out as they come through the door.
Two close friends of (y/n).
Chen and Sehun

"Hey Woozi, we'll have the usual!"
"Okay, coming right up! Nice to see you guys come by. (Y/n) is over there is you're looking for him." Woozi says pointing to the (h/c) haired male placing some plates at a table.

"Okay, thanks!" They walk away from the counter over to their friends.
"Hey (y/n)! How is it today?"

"Hey, Sehun! Hi Chen! It's busy as usual. So don't jump on me." (Y/n) greets them.

"I promise I won't!" Chen yells putting his hands up in defense.

"Thank you...." Saying with a sigh, (y/n) continues to grab food and drinks and serving them to different tables. When Chen and Sehun go and sit down at a table to wait for their drinks.

A few minutes pass, and (y/n) finally gets to his friends' drinks.
"Here you guys go!" Placing both drinks down, (y/n) takes a breather.
"Thanks (y/n)! "Thank you!"

"Before I get back to work I have one thing to ask you guys."

"What is it?" They ask with confused looks.

"Did any of you give my number away?"

That's chapter 2, I finally updated two books today.
School starts tomorrow😓😔
But I'm going to try to update as much as I can!
Have a good day/night!

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