Chapter 2

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" Kacey, are you seriously want to quit the job just because you don't want to see Mark that often?" Asked Baek Hyun. He was really curious on what she is thinking right now. What does she really want? " I guess I mentioned it earlier, I want to change my working environment." I am holding the steeling, driving steadily and answered him patiently. " I already knew you for months, and I know your personality. You are just a coward whenever you are facing issues that you cannot handle. " He teased me as much as he want because he knew that I will not get angry on it and he knows my limits. " I guess you have to stop talking about it right now." I try to stop him from saying this anymore, I shall not tell him I want to quit this job, it is just making this looks more complicated.

" How dare you stop me from talking what I want. I will sue you for not giving me freedom of speech! " Baek Hyun said it with a provocative voice. "I guess I shall sell the voice record of us to the paparazzi and earn some money." I fake a laugh and said. It was fun when I am able to tease him back. " What the......okay I shut up." Baek Hyun stop asking me questions and we already arrived the destination at the same time. " Hey. Get out of my car." I unlock the door and said. " Tsk are all good but your attitude is a no no~~" He teased me again. " I am sorry if Baek Hyun offended you. Thank you for sending him here." said the manager of EXO politely. " It's okay. Not a big deal, you're welcome." I smiled to his manager and answered. " Kacey, I guess you shall learn how to be polite while talking to me too. " said Baek Hyun with a cute voice and he ran away as fast as lightning before I get mad on him. He is lucky, because I don't have much time to do so. I was about to get down from my car and I recognized the car besides me. It's the car that specially for GOT7. I stay inside my car because I am afraid that I might bump into them, or I shall say, him. A few minutes later, I heard that the car's engine is off and the footsteps gradually stepped further, right until the sound of footsteps has gone, I then came down from my car and walk towards the lift. "  Hey Ms. Kacey!" It's a really familiar voice as I never expected there would be someone behind. I forced myself to turn around, I smiled awkwardly and said :" Hi, Seung Hun Oppa." It's manager of GOT7. I feel a little fortunate as its not Mark. 

" Hey there. You are so early today. " Seung Hun smiled at me. " Ah~~I have some stuff to do, so..yeah, need to be done by today." I answered him calmly. " Well, I am just parked the car just now, they already came to the station early in the morning. " Seung Hun seems like understand why she looks so awkward, smile to her, trying to keep her relax. " Ahh, I see. Then, I guess I will be going this way." As the lift arrived, I stepped into the lift and waving to Seung Hun. " Alright. Bye." He smiles widely until the lift closed. Pheww. I guess I have to stay up late in office until they left.

In office.

" Hey! Kacey, we are going to eat dinner and Chan Yeollie suggested BBQ as dinner. Are you coming? It's all on my treat~~" Asked Baek Hyun through the phone. " No. Thanks I am not going. Have fun!" I ended the call after that and continues to do my work.

After awhile, my phone is ringing again. I was about to pick up the call but when I saw the on screen name, its Mark. I was shocked, and nearly dropped my phone. I ignored the call, and put it into silent mode but the phone just won't stop vibrating. On the other side, Mark was trying to reach her out but failed. At the eleventh try of it, she finally picked up his call.

" Yes? " I answered his call and pretend that I am busying in work. " Kacey... Are you busying in work right now?" Mark asked me politely. " Yea... I am really busy and I think maybe we shall talk later?" I said. " When you gonna finish your work today?" asked Mark again. " I guess it will be really" I don't know how to answer this but I hope that Mark will give up on asking this anymore. " Kacey, maybe we can meet up for a while ? ...please?" Mark seems like really desperate to meet me but I knew that I am not suppose to say yes at this moment. " No Mark... Maybe next time....I am really busy right now and I hope you can understand that." "So when are you going to have time for me? Like even an hour or half an hour?"asked Mark. I can heard that he is unhappy and kinda mad but he try to hold back his temper. " To be honest, I will be really busy, from now, tomorrow and until the end of this year. So, are you going to ask everyday , every minute, or every second about this? How long do you need to ask?" I cannot hold back what I've said. I regretted. I knew that what I said was over the limit. I am just....Don't know what else I can say, what excuse I can give anymore. "Why?" After a long silence of him, he finally replied. " What do you mean by....why?" I am confused, I am busy in work, is because I am busy, I need to handle a lot of things in this period, isn't that a reason why I am not free? I wondered what does he means. " You can go out alone with Jackson, watching movies, having lunch or dinner, sending text to Yugyeom and chat happily to each other but why can't we get along? Is this even fair to me? Have I done something wrong that made you mad?" From the shaky voice he had, I can hear that he is not mad at me, his voice is so calm but I can hear that he is disappointed and hurt.

 I really do not know how would he felt on the other side of phone but I guess I am really out of line. He is such a lovely boy as what Baek Hyun mentioned before, and I shall not doing this kind of things, saying this type of words to hurt someone's feeling. If I was him, I guess that I will be really sad being ignored, refused and avoided by people for no reasons or I can say no matter how and what situation is it. One shall not done this to hurt other's feelings. Everyone shall be treated equally, and I am obviously being unfair when it comes to Mark.

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