A Bright light

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All I see is a light. It's a very bright light. Blinding my vision. Shining down on me. My pale hand is reaching out to try to get the light, but it is too far away.
I'm consumed into darkness. "Hello. Is there anyone there? " I said, really scared and confused. I wanted to know where I was. If I was with my abusive mother father two brothers, and two sisters. I wanted to know if my wish can be true or if this is just my consioness playing up. "Hello," said a familiar voice. "Don't worry. Don't be scared, please, everyone is." I wanted to open my eyes and see who it was. "Who are you? Can you tell me your name?" The familiar voice said,"My name is Sarah. Sarah shadow." "S-s-shadow, but I thought they died 9 years ago." "They what!?" I said,"Do you know who I am? " said the voice. I shook my head no. Because I had to. If I did, he would probably get suspicious. He/she sighed. "My name is kakashi. Kakashi hatake" I was finally able open my eyes. There stood kakashi hatake. The copycat ninja. The pervy sensei of team 7 in Naruto. WAIT!!?? Am I in Naruto? I asked kakashi what happened. He said that it was the anniversary of the 12 tailed attack and the number one nuckle-head ninja of konohagakure. NARUTO UZAMAKIS BIRTHDAY!!
I asked if I could live he in konohagakure and see the hokage. He said, of course. 'I can feel stronge chakra in her. Stronger than narutos. "I wonder what he is staring at? "uhh kakashi-sensei if uhhh the hokage lets me stay, I was wondering if you would be my adoptive dad?"

Kakashi pov:
"uhh kakashi-sensei if uhhh the hokage lets me stay, I was wondering if you would be my adoptive dad?" I heard Sarah say,'Why would she ask me?' "uhhh, sure, if he lets you stay, "
My one eye widened because she gave a closed eye smile "thanks dad" I blushed cause she giggled so cute.
"Sure thing, shorty" (a.n get the reference cause in fairytail gajeel calls levy shorty. No oh ok I'll go. *Goes into emo corner with sasuke*)

Normal pov:
We reached the hokage office. But before we can go in, I pass out from exhaustion.

Hokage pov:
I feel very strong chakra outside my door. *knock knock* "Come in," I said in came kakashi and what looked like a girl around Naruto's age. "Who is she kakashi" this is the last person from the shadow clan Sarah shadow hokage sir" 'WAIT what but I thought they all died in the fire 12 years ago but wait the princess didn't die. Her body wasn't found in the fire.' "Who, who are you?" said the girl. "I am the third hokage of konohagakure. Hiruzen Sarutobi."Oh hi, my name is Sarah shadow uhh kakashi you can put me down now." "Oh sorry Sarah"

Normal pov:
"Uhh, hokage?"Call me gramps," *giggles* "Ok cramps, I was wondering if kakashi here can be my adoptive father, please?" "Oh uh sure if he wants to." "Can you please kakashi-senpai?" I gave home my best puppy eyes ever. I saw a little blush on his checks. "Yea, sure."Yay." *yawns* "Hey dad, can we go home now, please? I think I have school tomorrow. "That you do, young lady. " "Bye, hok- I mean gramps heh bye
A.N. in the next chapter is 3 years later. Thank you all for reading. Sorry if it is a little crappy it's my first story. Words 607

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