he's not who we think he is

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Peter sat pacing in his room.

He gave Tony a clue to his age

they now know that Spider-man is a kid

now one of the many more reasons to stop him from going out as a superhero.



"So what you're saying is that the Spider-man, who risks his life every day-"

"Who we tried to beat the crap out of"

"-Is A kid?"

Tony told the Avengers his new found information, Spider-man was a kid. They were all shocked.

"This changes a lot." Steve spoke up, "Fury would force him to sign the accords, and we can't let a kid sign them! Have you seen what it has done to us?!" He was right, the accords striped them of their free will, luckily for them, Fury (in his newest identity) made sure that he was in charge of when the Avengers would be able to fight, but still, it wasn't right.

"What do we do? We can't bring the kid in, we can't let Fury get his hands on him." Wanda spoke up.

"I know, but for us to protect him we need to know his identity and keep it from Nick," Tony stated and nods around him all agreed, they needed a plan.


He heard the whole conversation, but he was still hesitant to come out in front of his family-the AVENGERS

What would he even say? "Hey, guys you know the Spider-man you have been chasing around and almost killing? Well, that's me! So who's up for pizza and a movie tonight?" No, he couldn't do that, no he couldn't tell them just yet.

"Hey, guys!" Peter said as he entered the room, after making sure that his injuries were hidden.
"Peter! What happened to your eye! And lip!" Clint pointed out

'Shit forgot about those'

"Oh uh well, I kind of ran into Flash and his two cronies on the way home," Peter said
" Flash Thompson? As in Mr. peed-my-pants-when-Captin-America-talked-to-me Thompson?" Tony said

Peter snickered at the Avengers nickname for his school bully, the name had been given when Steve once tried to confront Flash about his bullying to Peter back in the 6th grade, but when the middle school kid heard Captin America say his name, he freaked out a little.

"Next time, I'm gonna send you to school with your very own repulser watch," Tony stated

(I mean the thing that Tony used in Civil War when Bucky was attacking everyone while under the creepy dudes' control)

"Thanks, but I don't think they would allow a weapon on school property," Peter said as he sat down on the couch. But when Peter sat down he hissed as his back hit the back of the sofa, luckily no one noticed except Natasha.

"So back to Spider-man?" Sam asked

"Ya, didn't you say that you confronted him after he saved people from the building?" Nat asked as she kept on eyeing Peter

"Yes, I believe that's what I said," Tony told her clearly not noticing her staring at his nephew

"And did he have any injuries, on his back?" This time Peter knew what she was asking about.

"Yes, I believe so, there was a burnt hole in the back of his suit and the skin looked a little infected. Damn, I should've asked about that!" Tony only then realizing that he let a clearly hurt kid run off.

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