Nice knowing ya

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"What about Peter, Clint?" Natasha asked the man. She knew that he knew something, but she didn't let him know that she knew he knew
(Why did I write it that way?)
"Something isn't seeming right, that coke can that he threw? Huge dent in the wall. A dent that cap or Bruce would leave, not Peter." Nat sighed and looked Barton in the eye
"I'm not the one to spill, its his secret to tell." She told him, and walked off.
Clint was confused for a second, but walked off to his room, after taking a quick peek at Peter who was already fast asleep.

Next day

"Hey Pete!" Steve called out to the boy from the living room
Peter was on his way to get some breakfast, but changed directions when Steve called him over
"What's up Mr. Rodgers?" (He does it to joke around with them some of them)
"I want to ask you about some thing called... vine?"
Peter laughed a little as he pulled up a video on his Stark Pad
"It's just these short funny videos that people have made around the world, basically everyone who's under 25, unless your Clint, spends all the time watching these and quoting them"
Steve started watching some as Peter spoke along with it in the kitchen.
"I thought you were bae" he said
"But now you're just fam" the Android finished off for him totally emotionless and didn't look up from his book
"W-what?!" Peter asked astonished
"Peter, I am basically the internet. I know all of the vines and memes."
Just then Tony walked in
"You might have created the best man alive right there." He said as he pointed at Vision, who still hadn't looked up from the book
"Thanks. But hey Pete, Bruce and I were wondering if you could meet us down in the lab, there's just something we need to ask you about."
'Uh oh'
"Ya-ya sure Tony, just let me finish my food"
But after he said that a loud crash and the sound of gears were heard from the living room
"What was that?" Peter asked
"I don't know, stay behind me." Tony told him as they ran with a few others to the source of the sound
Peter knew that voice
He didn't even need to see those wings to know
There in front of him the Vultrure, back and pissed off as ever
He yelled as he saw Peter in the room
And with that the angry father of his old crush dived at him
Tony was to slow for his suit to emerge from the arc reactor
Steve was to slow to throw the shield
Nat was to slow to push him out of the way
But Peter wasn't to late to flip over the man
Peter wasn't late to start firing his webs at him
But Peter was late to see his families funny reactions as he fought his foe
Luckily for Peter he never went anywhere without his web shooters safely under his sleeves of his jacket
"Hiya mister Toomes!"
He yelled happily as he webbed up the mask, popping it off
"I see you have had a wonderful vacation in prison!"
Peter webbed the front of the mans jacket, flipped over him, and made the man body slam to the ground
But when the man got up, Peter wasn't ready as one wing came out of no where and made a deep cut in his arm
"Ow! Hey, you aren't supposed to hit the youngerly!"
That's what snapped the Avengers out of their daze and help the kid out, but kill the kid later
Tony yelled as he shot the man in the shoulder
He said as he fired at a wing
"With our"
Nat yelled as she sent a round house to his face and tazed him
Steve finished as he threw the shield causing the man to collapse onto the ground when Scott tore the wings apart from the inside and Wanda restricted the mans movement and he struggled to get a hold of Peter
"I could have used you guys when I fought him the first time!" Peter chuckled as he limped  over clutching onto his arm and blood covered it and his hand
"Peter you are so!- your arm." Tony yelled but cut himself off when he saw to boys arm
"Ya, the wing got it." He winced as he lifted his hand to show the others, but more blood came gushing out, and Peter was starting to feel a little light headed
"Someone grab him!" Sam yelled as Peter started to collapse after the blood lose
"Vision go tell Bruce to prep the lab! Steve help me-"
Tony ordered but the sounds faded away as the darkness fully consumed his vision.

Hey guys this chapter might not be the best since I wrote it last night and just finished the last 3 paragraphs right now
But hey! The secrets out and Peter might have survived the Vulture but he's sure not gonna survive the Avengers!
(You know what if I remember that line I'm gonna use it for the next chapter)

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