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It was the last week of school as Peter was hastily studying for his finals.

He sat with the heroes in the living room, drinking a can of Coke as he read over a textbook that layed in front of him

After another sip, Peter realized that the can was empty, but his face of disappointment washed away when his face lit up with an idea

"This bitch empty!" He yelled standing up, ignoring the jumps from his outburst and " language" from Steve as he threw the can across the top yelling, "YEET!"

the can hit the opposite side of the room, most likely leaving a mark, with a look of satisfaction in his face. But as he was about to return to his work he saw the Avengers looks and his face flushed.

"I'll pick that up"

"Didn't Spider-Man say that?" Steve questioned as they watched their kid recycle the Coke can
Clint laughed at the man's lack of knowledge of the new generations source of fun, " It's from a Vine Steve! I've mentioned that before! All the kids (and me) watch the stuff, any kid knows this. Peter's can't Spider-man"

But immediately something clicked on Tony's brain, a mear question
"Was Peter Spider-man?"


The next day as Peter was about to leave for school, he quickly glanced at the place the Coke can had hit from the previous night, "shit" he mumbled to himself when he saw a rather large dent in the wall, he forgot to lay it back with the powers while throwing it. But thankfully the only person who would take notice of that detail was Nat who already knew his little secret, no need to worry.

He totally forgot about the other trained agent in the Tower

Clint was climbing out of a vent after making a quick escape after spray painting Tony's newest Iron Man suit when the wall caught his eye,

"What the f-" he said to himself when he saw how larger the dent was in the wall. His first thought was Bruce accidentally let the Hulk out or Cap missed when he threw a shield at Tony, but he would have been alerted or seen that then he remembered events from last night, Peter threw his Coke at this wall.

Clint was pretty sure the kid threw it at this spot, but he needed to make sure he was right if he actually confronted the kid and didn't want to make a fool out of himself, so he called out to FRIDAY to pull it up.

"Right away baby bird." The female AI called out to him, "Dammit Stark!" He yelled out after the new nickname that Stark came up with.

He sat down and watched the security cam and watched exactly where Peter threw the can, the same place the dent is.
"Kid what are you hiding?"


"You can run Parker but you can't hide from me!!" The famous Flash Thompson called as he chased Peter through the halls of Mid Town Tec

Suddenly an arm shot out from a classroom and Pulled Peter in before Flash could see.
"What the- Ned?!"Peter yelled in surprise when he saw that it was his best friend who pulled him in to ... where exactly?

"Chess club meeting room," Ned said as if he knew what Peter was questioning in his head
"Made friends with the Captin of the chess club when you were following the two bad guys who came to the school," Ned explained as he pointed to the Asian kid (sorry credits didn't have a name for him) sitting behind him, Peter just hoped that the kid didn't recognize him from the bathroom when Happy came to pick him up.
"What did you do this time?" Ned asked as he walked over to a small fold up table with two computers sitting on top

(his guy in the chair area so he didn't anything like the incident at homecoming)

"Accidentally spilled my lunch on him when I got tripped," Peter explained as he sat down at Ned's desk as his friend pulled out drinks and food from a mini fridge from under the table

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