Shit.I grab my food and make my way over back to the register, I place it down and open the text.
songy/n674: oh! well I hope I'm not bothering you
parkchimchim95: no! I'm having my breakfast at this moment, so no you aren't bothering
songy/n674: what are you eating? and why breakfast? it's already 1 in the afternoon lol
It is...?
parkchimchim95: wow time went by fast, I didn't realize 😅, but kimbap I'm eating kimbap
songy/n674: oh that's nice! kimbap is good :)
parkchimchim95: yeah it is lol, what about you? what are you doing?
songy/n674: home, I had to take care of my friend. she's gets out of hand when she drinks 😒
parkchimchim95: really?! my roommate does too, he's always asking why he hasn't gotten a girlfriend. telling himself that he's the ugliest person alive, but when he's sober he swears he's the most good looking living thing 😂
songy/n674: oh I would love to see that lol, what's your roommates name?
parkchimchim95: seokjin, kim seokjin. how about yours?
songy/n674: koo (pain in the ass) hyuna 🙃
parkchimchim95: oh you're funny lol
songy/n674: thanks, I get that a lot actually
"Jiminnn!!!!!" I heard Tae call from the device strapped in my belt loop. I guess he needs my help.
parkchimchim95: hey sorry I have to go help my friend with something in the store, could I text you later?
songy/n674: yeah no problem! take care xx
parkchimchim95: thank you, you too :)
I ran over to Tae who had boxes all over him, I put my hand over my mouth as I tried to contain in my laugh. What the hell happened?!
"What the hell happened?!" I spoke my mind as I grabbed each box that had cereal boxes inside them. One by one I took them off of him making a little space for him to escape, Tae happily squirmed out of there. "I tried grabbing a box, but didn't realize that it also had other boxes on top of it sooo~" he says then shrugged. "Aishh I swear, you're so clumsy." I hit him shoulder a bit too hard making him stumble back and trip on a box. I laughed and walked off.
The rest of the day I kept myself occupied, attending clients, cleaning, just stuff to keep me not bored. My shift ends at 4, and it was currently 3:57 so I called it a day off. I walked into the employee room and made myself a coffee, I remembered the conversation with Y/N from earlier. She's a fun girl, from what I got to see.
I texted her once again and she instantly replied.parkchimchim95: hey! are you available?
songy/n674: yes actually, I'm still not doing anything lol. my friend and I are going to this cafe at 5-ish, so I'm just waiting till that time arrives
parkchimchim95: oh really that sound cool. I also have plans with seokjin
songy/n674: yeah I guess lol, also can we play a game?
parkchimchim95: yeah why not?
songy/n674: okay so we both answer each other question truthfully, doesn't sound hard right?
parkchimchim95: not at all :)
songy/n674: okay! you start..
parkchimchim95: what color are your eyes?
songy/n674: hazel, my turn. how old are you?
parkchimchim95: 22, what's your height?
songy/n674: 152 cm, any siblings?
parkchimchim95: one younger brother, do you work?
songy/n674: trying to find a job, what's your full name?
parkchimchim95: par-
"Jimin, let's go. It's passed 4 already" Tae called out, I groaned and gathered my stuff. The car ride back home was fun, Tae and I were singing our lungs out to Blooming Day by EXO CBC. We enjoyed their music, a lot. Getting out of the car I said thank you and goodbye to Tae.
As I walked into the shared apartment, I called Jin to see if we were still on for today.
"Hello Jimin"
"Hey Jin! Are we still on for today?"
"Yes totally! My shift ends in 30 more minutes, take that time to fix yourself up or something"
"Alright, see you later"
I took Jin's words and decided to take a shower. After I blow-dried my hair and fixed it up, after I did simple makeup and put on some black skinny jeans and a white button up shirt. Ready.
The 40 minutes passed by fast, Jin was home fixing himself up. "Hey Jimin, I'm ready. You good to go?" Jin asked as he grabbed his wallet, phone, and car keys. He was cursed with big ass hands, and here I am, am with hamster paws. "Yeah let's go."
On the ride to the cafe I got a text from Y/N,
songy/n674: hope you have a good time with seokjin :)!
parkchimhim95: crap! I totally forgot to text back. I had left the store and put my attention on other stuff sorry.
songy/n674: there's no need to say sorry!
parkchimchim95: oh okay, also thank you and I hope you you and hyuna have a great time!
songy/n674: thank you chim chim :)
I definitely blushed at that.
parkchimchim95: hehe, I'll text later okay?
songy/n674: you better!
parkchimchim95: i will lol, goodbye y/n
songy/n674: goodbye jimin
I sighed and put my phone down, Jin on the other hand was singing along with Beautiful by Pentagon, I swear he loves this song more than he loves himself. A few minutes later we arrived to the cute little cafe, 'Kitty Kafe'. My blood started rushing fast through my veins when I saw the cute little kittens and cats inside the cafe.
We, well I, ran in the cafe to take our order. I ordered a strawberry milkshake while Jin ordered a vanilla milkshake. They gave us our drinks and I started playing with the cats. This Calico cat caught my eye real fast, it walked over to me and rubbed his head on my shin as a small 'purrr~' left its mouth. I looked at the cat in awe, then I heard the jingle of the bell meaning someone new came in the cafe.
I looked over and I couldn't believe my eyes, her and I made eye contact for what it seemed forever.