(Jimin's pov)Yesterday was really fun with Y/N and everybody else, I couldn't keep my eyes off of Y/N, she makes me feel happy and nervous at the same time. I know we've known each other for a very short time, but, you know that feeling when you meet someone and feel like you too clicked in that instant? That's what I felt when we ran into each other at the cafe, her laugh, her smile, her hair, her nose, her lips, and oh god don't get me started on those beautiful hazel eyes. She's all I've wanted in a girl, but I'm not sure if her feelings towards me are the same, I mean yes we've flirted with each other and hell she even kissed me, but I just really want to know if we both have those feelings towards each other.
Me: hey pretty eyes, what are you up to?
I waited for a short while before she texted back,
Pretty eyes: hi chim! not much, i'm trying to look for a job, but none of these sound good :( wby?
Me: you know we have an extra spot in (supermarket's name)! our manager's been trying to find an extra cashier, i don't know if that's something that would interest you but i just thought..
Pretty eyes: that sounds good, how much for an hour?
Me: manager kim would take care of that don't worry!
Pretty eyes: oh okay! and i was thinking about the date you asked me yesterday...
Me: oh yeah! what about it?
Pretty eyes: when should we do it? i know since you work and i didn't want to bother you in going on a date after you shift
Me: that's no problem, i work tuesday all the way through friday, i take friday's, sunday's and monday's off. so we can go this friday? i know it's a long wait but will you be willing to wait?
Pretty eyes: yess s of course! there's no problem with me
Me: okay good! and there's something tha i want to talk about with you
Pretty eyes: yes? what is it?
Me: do you have feelings for me?
Me: do you have feel
Me: do you
Me: it's okay i want to ask you in person this friday :)
Pretty eyes: oh okay.. i'll text you later, bye jimin xx
Me: goodbye pretty eyes xx
I'm nervous as heck, what if she doesn't say the answer I was hoping? What if I have food stuck in my teeth as I'm asking the question? A lot of things could go wrong but I won't let them get in the way of my very important question I have for her.
Today is the day, I will ask the question and see how she reacts. I got up from bed and went o take a shower. I came back to my room and shose my outfit, a black dress shirt and some black skinny jeans. I blow dried my hair and applied a bit of makeup, just to look more presentable. I was all ready to go so I texted Y/N if she was ready.
Me: hey are you all ready to go pretty eyes?
I went downstairs to take my wallet and car keys.
Pretty eyes: yess, i just need to finish up my hair then i'm all ready to go:)
Me: okay, i'll be on my way xx
Pretty eyes: okay see you later <3
I got in the car, while blasting to Firetruck by NCT 127, I saw a flower shop. I pulled over and thought about getting flowers for Y/N, a dozen of primroses for a flower herself. I arrived to her apartments, they were nice ass apartments, better than mine I'll have to admit. I went over her door and knocked three times, I heard her yell "Hyuna can you please open up? I'm guessing it's Jimin, tell him I'll be there in a minute.!!" I chuckled just when the door opened to see a happy Hyuna, but her from went upside down when she saw me. "What's wrong?" I asked while walking inside since she told me to get in. "Oh it's just that I thought Jin would be with you." I Iaughed and took a flower out of the bouquet then gave it to her, "here, he wanted me to give you one." She took it with a smile, I didn't want to disappoint her, she's been through so much. I heard a room door and looked at it. Out of it came out a princess with a pretty silk pink dress. I was staring too hard when I saw Y/N wave her hands in front of my face. I snapped out of it and complimented her, "you look beatiful, 10 out of 10." She laughed and hid her face with her with her hands, I grabbed one of her hands and placed the 11 flower bouquet. "These are for you." She looked at them with a smile then looked at me, "thank you."
"Yeah yeah whatever! You love birds have to go, ya'll are making me gag." Hyuna sid as she pushed us out the apartement, "wait! my purse-" Y/N spoke, "and make sure to put these in a vase with water." She told Hyuna and waved her off. We walked off to my car and I jogged so I could open the passenger door for her, "oh what a gentleman. thank you." She said as she got in, I smiled and closed the door, but my cheeks felt like lava and there was a zoo tearing my insides. We arrived to our first destination, a restaurant. "I love it here!" She said as she got off the car, as I did the same, "really? me too!" I spoke back, she went to my side and intertwined her arm with mine. As we walked inside I could already smell the delicious fragrance of pizza. Yes, we came to one of the best pizza places here in Seoul. They have the best dish pizza, oh god. We took our orders and talked a lot until it came.
"Jimin," she called me out.
"What was that thats you needed to tell me?"
"Oh, I w-was going to a-ask if you had-"
"Here are your pizzas, have a nice day." The waiter interrupted us, thank god. I told Y/N that I was going to the restroom, and now I'm here. I'm trying my best to calm down and it's not working. I took a few deep breaths and I seemed to calm down. I walked out the restroom and made my way over to our booth where we were sitting at. She still hasn't eaten, cute. I tried to build up all my confidence and spoke out,
"Song Y/N, I like you. I've liked you ever since we first texted, every time we text I get so happy. I get if you don't feel the same way towards me, and I just had to ask you..."
"Will you let me be the guy that makes you happy? The guy to take you out on dates? The guy that'll love your flaws? Will you make the happiest guy in the world and be my girlfriend?"