(Taehyung's pov)
Just as I was about to pull up to Y/N's apartments I got a text from Yoongi.
Baby Boy🐨💜: hey so y/n told me that you were coming to pick her up
Me: yeah, why bb?
Baby Boy🐨💜: do you mind if i come with you two? it's just that hyuna is out with jin and i really want to comfort y/n, she went through hell
today 👉🏼👈🏼Me: would i really miss an opportunity to see you, that's okay you can come <3
Baby Boy🐨💜: thank you babe~
I sighed then turned my phone off, did it really happen? Did Y/N really get- nevermind I won't even think about it. Fuck.
I looked out the window and I saw Y/N come out with a backpack that was full of stuff and a really big sweater on her. I smiled to myself knowing it belonged to Jimin. I got out the car to go greet them, I first greeted Yoongi with a kiss and hug. Then I went over to Y/N who had her head hanging low. I walked up to her and took her back pack from her hands then handed it to Yoongi. I put my index finger below her chin and raised it up.
Holy shit. Just at the sight of her state made my eyes water. Her eyes were puffy and very very red, her lips were swollen and her nose was with a shade of pink. "Oh baby~" I said with a low voice but still weak. I proceeded to give her the most warmest and longest hug ever. I broke the hug after like 14 years and took her hand to seat her in the backseats, I opened the door for the both of them then got in myself.
We arrived to the hospital and of course Y/N seemed nervous, her breath and hands shaking. Yoongi and I each took ahold of one her hand and assured her that everything was going to be alright. Yoongi opened the door of the room Jimin was in and she hesitated to walk in, but eventually did.
(Y/n's pov)
I walked in and I immediately felt a pair of arms find their way around my waist. I knew who it was just by the smell of his soft and warm skin. The love of my life. We stood there just crying softly, soaking each other's material on our upper bodies while being wrapped in each other's arms. I wanted to be here with him forever, not letting go of him, and him not letting go of me. I soon felt a cold breeze on my body meaning he has broken the hug. I looked down at the ground and played with the rim of my sleeves. "I like your sweater." I heard Jimin say knowing he had a smile creeping on his face. I looked up, and yep I was right. there he was looking very rough and tired and unhealthy. I frowned, "Jimin you shouldn't be standing up, sit down."
I guided him to the bed and sat him down, I stood in front of him while holding his hand in mine. "I'm sorry about earlier." I whispered loudly but loud enough for him hear, "w-why are you saying sorry? It wasn't your fault, it was his fucking fault, so please, don't say sorry." I felt a warm tear stream down my cheek, his voice was angry, but yet so soothing.
I felt him tug on my hand, I already knew what he wanted. He laid down the bed shifting a bit making room for me. I laid right next to him taking a hold of his hand again and played with his beautiful small fingers. "I'm the one who should be sorry-" He started but then I heard sniffles, I jolted up and sat criss cross apple sauce beside his limp body. "I was such an asshole at the time, I could've asked at least. But anger got the best of me. I want to let you know that the last thing I want is see you hurt, I would risk it all just for you," I then started crying, "I-I couldn't do anything h-he hurt me mentally and physically for g-go knows how long and now he came back, I j-just want to be normal, let my f-fucked up past go away but no matter how hard I try I c-can't" I spoke back while choking on my words.
He tried to sit up but I shook my head and pushed his upper body down softly, "Y/N look at me." He stated, so I did. His eyes were the color red, puffy and watery. "You have me okay? We are going to make beautiful memories and those ugly ones will not even be the last thing in your head, you just have to trust me, okay baby?" He told me as he rubbed circles on my clothed forearm. I nodded, "Jimin I don't deserve you, honestly, you are the best person ever. My family doesn't even look out for me this way. Thank you" I spoke back while on the verge of crying again. He just smiled and patted his shoulder, I laid again but this time where he patted.
helloooo lovelies, how are y'all?
mind my messy update, but i hope y'all enjoyed 💝✌🏼please don't don't forget to vote ☺️