(Jimin's pov)
"Hey Jin!" I called out to him before he gets off to work, he looks back quickly since he was already 20 minutes late.
"What's the matter?" He looked at me while putting on his shoes, "I was gonna ask if you wanted to go to a cafe after work?" I said while handing him his jacket from the rack, he looked at me and smiled.
"Yeah! That sounds fun, thanks, see you later. Text me!!" He got to say before sprinting to his car. I looked at the clock on the wall, 8:28, shit.
I rush to the bathroom, as I fixed myself up quickly I thought of the cute Instagram girl from last night and how she accepted my fried request. Shaking my thoughts off, I go to my closet and pick my outfit out along with my blue apron. As I did that, my phone went off.
Incoming Call: Tae 😛
"Hey Tae"
"Hey Chim, I'm outside hurry!"
"Oh yes, right, uh give me like two more minutes."
"One, one more minute"
"Ugh, okay whatever I'll be down in one minute"
I did the rest of my routine, but quickly. I grabbed the house keys and my phone and coat and rushed outside where I found Tae's black car waiting for me.
"Hey" I said as soon as I got in, "what took you so long?" Tae asks while putting the car on reverse to exit the drive way. "Oh, I got caught up doing some stuff" I said while looking down to my fingers as I play with them. Tae eyes me suspiciously, but then shakes it off.
We arrived to our job, a boring ass supermarket.
Sucks ass that I couldnt go to college due to financial problems, but thats alright. The job pays well, well enough to pay half the rent and for other important needs. I don't do much, I'm a cashier. Tae on the other hand is the one walking back and forth, running errands or stacking the shelves. It was early in the morning, which implies why there weren't many people here in the store. I sat on my stool behind the cash register, I heard my phone ring, I grabbed it and took a look at it.
Just a weather notification mentioning that it will rain later on in the day, whatever. I got on Instagram and the first thing I saw was a picture of Y/N at the Han River, wow she's gorgeous. "Excuse me sir," I heard someone call out to me. I look up and saw an elderly lady waving her hand at me, I smiled and bowed slightly. "Right, sorry ma'm." I scanned her items and put them in her basket, "thank you for shopping with us today." I said, she smiled and walked off.
Time went by fast, today wasn't a busy day. Even though it was a Saturday, it wasn't too busy. I got another notification from my phone, so I grabbed it and looked at it.
New message from: songy/n674
My eyes widened as I looked at the message, my heart sunk to my stomach and I felt a drop of sweat hit my collar bones.
Should I answer right away? No, she'll think I'm desperate. Aish Jimin why are you awkward?! Just wait a few minutes and then reply.
I let around 5 minutes pass by then went to Instagram again, I clicked on the message and it read:
songy/n674: Hi! Do you perhaps work in (supermarkets name)? I think I saw you sitting behind the register.. sorry to bother
Oh sweet baby jesus, she fucking knows where I work. AND SHE SAW ME!!????!! Did she think I was at least cute? What am I thinking. Reply smoothly, don't seem weird.
parkchimchim95: hey! no you're not bothering, but yes I do work at (supermarkets name).
SentOkay that's good enough. I put my phone down to find an angry Tae looking at me. I smiled shyly and break his eye contact, "what are you doing Park Jimin?, you know Namjoon doesn't like it when we use our phones at work. And who were you texting? You looked constipated." I glare at him and he stops laughing. "No one, and besides don't you need to stack the lotion shelves?" I ask as I had my arms crossed over my chest. "Yes I do, but I caught a wild Jimin on his phone." He ruffles my hair then makes his way over to the lotion aisle. I stuck my tongue out at him and gave him the finger.
Tae and I have been best friends since the first day of first grade, since then we've been stuck together.
I walked off to see where I could help around the store, then my stomach growled. I didn't have breakfast, ugh. I went over to the fresh product aisle and bought a plate of kimbap, this should do for now. As I payed for the food, my phone went off.
New Message from: songy/n674