Chapter 8

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As the night settled in, they all got in bed. Evelyn was hesitant to get in bed, however. Rose keenly noticed this and asked, "Why aren't you sleeping, Evelyn?' She hesitated before saying, "Well, I had this dream... where... um..." She realized that everyone was listening except Nancy and Cassidy, which meant the boys were also listening,. "Um... I had a dream where a bunch of zombies were coming after me." She finished quickly, then said, "I'm fine, it was just a dream anyway...!" Having saying this, she buried herself under the covers and lay there.

Noah looked concernedly at her before whispering to Rose, "That wasn't all, was it?" For it was always easy to tell when Evelyn lied or didn't tell the whole truth. "I'll talk to her tomorrow." Rose exclaimed before closing her eyes. Before long, the house was silent with a couple occasional snores coming from Nancy's room, until at last Evelyn went to sleep.

The next morning, Noah woke up early. He stretched luxuriously, yawning as he did so, then he sat up, shaking the blanket off his body. Looking towards Evelyn's sleeping form on the couch to his left, he realized he still had to talk to her about her dream. Her blanket had slackened and it covered only her legs, while half of it was on a heap on the ground. Noah realized that her hands were relaxed, and not bunched up, which always resembled a peaceful sleep. He relaxed a little. At least he knew she was safe now. Evelyn's features rearranged into a small smile, but her eyes were still closed.

Now looking to the roof, he noticed Tatiana's hammock was empty. Again, he looked to the couch, and by then, one of her eyes were half open. A minute later, she was rubbing her eyes sleepily as she got into a sitting position."You're awake too?" She said drowsily to Noah. "Yeah, let's go on the roof so we don't wake anyone else." He said back to her.

They both climbed the rope up to the roof and looked around. No zombies. How convenient. Since it was too early to make breakfast, they both sat on the edge of the roof, overlooking the community.

"So how did you find us?" Evelyn asked curiously. Noah sighed, saying, "Well... it's a long story... basically we were all with Jacobington and Vikram-" "Seriously?!? You were with them!?!" Evelyn cut in, her eyes filled with hate and a loathing for both of those brats that were so vivid in her memory. Noah shrugged and continued. "They didn't do anything and made us three go out and get supplies, so I lost my temper and dragged the other two out with me, and we were ambushed by zombies before you guys saved us." "It took that long?!" She exclaimed, surprised. I would have kicked them in the- nevermind..." Evelyn finished awkwardly.

"ANYways..." he continued, raising his eyebrows at her while he checked if everyone was still sleeping. A few were steering in their sleep, but no on was awake just yet. "You found us." She added. "Yeah, I couldn't sleep the night before so I went out to scout the area and I ran into you." Noah finished. "And speaking of not sleeping..."

"I told you already that I had a dream about zombies chasing me!" Evelyn said defensivel, crossing her arms. Noah laughed softly, saying, "We all know that isn't true, Evelyn. C'mon, just tell me, it's not like I'm going to judge you for it." "FINE...! I'll tell you." Evelyn took a deep breath and began her story.

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