Chapter 29

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"Tatiana! Pleeeease tell us what happened over the trip!" Rose begged her, who sat stiffly in her hammock. "And just WHY should I tell you?" She replied, annoyed at these trivial questions. "Well... because... we're her friends and we want to know!" Nancy said excitedly. Tatiana sighed. "Nothing really, but the night we got to the pharmacy and camped out on it's roof, I was trying to sleep, but they were admiring the view of the moon and the stars. They were talking about really deep things, and all I can say is that I could sense a lot of-"

"What's going on in here?!?!" Evelyn's voice cut through the chimi's. "Get out!" She said harshly. '"Do you know how late it is?" Rose and Nancy giggled hysterically as they left, making kissy noises as they went. Evelyn chose to ignore them, then turned to Tatiana. "What did you tell them!?!" She thundered. "I told them that there was a point in time where we camped on the pharmacy and you and Noah were making quite the ruckus." the chimichanga said, sounding dignified.

Evelyn, however, was not to be buying this act. Instead, she saw something behind the chimi's hammock. "Are those clothes?" She said sharply as she snatched them out. The clothes were short cut out T-shirts and shorts. Evelyn just looked at Tatiana and sighed. "You know... once we're through with all of this... mess... I will do anything in my power to make you human again." She vowed solemnly.

The chimi voiced her thanks, sending her off to bed. "Go to sleep now! You might get some dreams tonight!" As Evelyn tucked herself in as quietly as she could (everyone else in the house had been sound asleep for about half an hour now as the storm raged on outside, although a lightning bolt hadn't struck anywhere close to them yet.

Sighing softly, she looked over at Noah's sleeping form next to her. He looked to be deep in sleep, his chest slowly rising and falling. Oh well, I'll just tell him about my thoughts tomorrow, I guess... she thought regretfully. Closing her eyes, she felt herself slip into a world of sleep.

She woke up... only she wasn't at the base. She was watching something. It showed a living person shoot an undead, and after a couple minutes, the zombie transformed into it's human self and got back up, completely healed. Then she was swept away by what seemed like the breeze, up into the air to a higher altitude, where she could see a chopper roaming around what looked like the pharmacy that she and Noah had spent one of the best nights of her lives in.

A shock of realization went through her. It was looking for survivors!! But then the chopper veered around and headed off in the other direction. Evelyn gasped in her dream. She ran through air to the helicopter "Wait!" She cried desperately as she watched it pick up speed. Then a voice rang in her mind.

This isn't a dream. It's a broadcast set to all the surviving packs. Just send us a radio signal, and we'll be there before the week will end at the most. 

Goodbye and good luck, survivors.

And then static started sounding in her ears as the ground underneath her spiraled out of focus.

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