Chapter 31

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The morning came too fast for Nancy. She loved the feeling of Daniel's body against hers. She wished she could sleep by him every night for the rest of her life...

"Wake up... Wake up, beautiful...!" Daniel crooned delicately into her ears, kneeling down beside Nancy. She moaned a little and turned around. "If you don't get up..." He threatened before sighing. "Fine." He gingerly kissed her on the head, as many thoughts were zooming through his mind. Did she actually fall asleep with me??? Did I actually get kissed by her?? There were more, but those were the main ones he was pondering about.

Bending down, he picked her up, and was about to walk around when Emily sprang out of his arms, blushing furiously. "Boi!" She cried out. "What?" He said nonchalantly. "You were the one that jumped in bed with me!" Nancy avoided his gaze, saying "Well, it was a weak moment for me, okay? Sorry, it won't happen again..."

"Did I say I didn't like you sleeping there? " Daniel demanded. "Well..." Nancy started. "Well nothing. You can sleep by me from now on, to protect each other, right?" He said affirmatively. She died inside as he said this. I get to sleep with him every night! This is like a dream come true!

Meanwhile, everyone else was on the roof, chattering away about the spectacle that had happened with Nancy and Daniel as well as Evelyn's dream.

"Oh my god, they're SUCH a cute couple! I live for it!" Jordan trilled. "I know right !" Evelyn giggled. "I might do that with Cassidy soon, actually." Jordan said thoughtfully. "No.... I need my space." She called from where she was having a heated discussion with Nancy and Daniel about the best iconic vine. Jordan looked a little hurt for a second before turning back and saying,"How about you guys?" He asked, gesturing towards Evelyn and Noah, who was also in the conversation. "Think you'll be sleeping together?

"Uhm..." Evelyn said uncomfortably, sneaking a glance at him. He wasn't looking at her, instead at Jadean. She gritted her teeth, saying "We'll talk about this later." He got the hint.

She bid goodbye to Jordan as she and Noah went over to Tatiana. She was stiff backed as she faced away from the others. "...Tatiana?" Evelyn said tentatively. "What would you like from me as your assistance?"! The chimichanga replied, a little less frostily then she had been last night. "We need to start make that radio signal." Noah said confidently. "Maybe you can help Evelyn make a list of all the things we need to get from the nearest mechanical store?"

"That's about a day's travel away. I'm not going to come with you guys-" "Yeah, you'll just be rude to us all day!" Evelyn cried in anguish. "Tatiana! What's happened to you?" Noah hurried on. "So let's go downstairs and get that list written, why don't we?" 

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