🐺Chapter one

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10 years ago

It was a rainy day as Evelin and her family were enjoying a car ride. As songs came on they began singing to the song that they knew. The car was filled with laughter and conversations. Her brother would play with her hair from time to time because he had nothing else to do.

At the time Kevin was 10 while Evelin was 8 years old. Even if they were young they enjoyed their time together. The parents parked the car at a gas station and went inside to buy some snacks and drinks. Evelin blasted the music while her parents went inside the building. Her brother laughed when Evelin missed the seat and fell on the car ground.

As Evelin saw her parents walk out she turned down the music and went back to her seat then quickly buckled up. When her parents got in the car her dad looked at them and saw that they were "sleeping", he looked at the mother and smirked. "Hmm we have some rice cakes." Evelin quickly opened her eyes and grabbed the rice cakes out her dads hand the went back to her seat.

She heard them laugh and she also began laughing with them. They began driving off away from the gas station. A few minutes later they were lost in the middle of the woods. No street lights no nothing, just the cars light. The mother began to drive slowly just in case she was to hit something but that didn't stop from something popping out of the woods. Evelin saw the beast like thing stare into her eyes before it attacked the car.

Evelin's brother began crying at the sight. "Don't cry oopa!" Evelin said with a soft voice as she hugged her brother. Evelin was a strong little girl and she could handle anything but what happened next she couldn't handle it. Two more things came out the woods and broke the glass windows then dragged out their parents and tore them up.

One of the beasts tried to drag Evelin out by bitting her foot but her brother grabbed his dads gun and shot the beast in the leg. All the beasts ran off after hearing the gun go off. Evelin was in tears at this point and her brother was the one who tried to cheer her up this time.

10 years later

"Evelin! You're gonna be late for school!" Her brother pulled the blankets off of her making her fall to the ground and hit her head. She glared at her brother and smacked him on his leg and he did the same but she winced. "I forgot it was that leg I'm sorry!" Evelin looked at her brother

"It's okay. It's been ten years already" she sighed and got up. She pushed her brother out the room so she can get ready for school. She took a quick shower and dressed in something casual. (Shown above)

She threw her long brown hair in a messy bun and ran out the door. She caught the bus on time. As she walked in she bowed at the driver and paid for herself. "Hey sir you have to pay" she turned around and saw a guy trying to get on the bus "I'll pay for him" she paid and walked to a seat "thank you" he said as he walked pass her. She nodded her head.

She plugged in her earphones and looked out the window as the bus drove off. Her favorite song came on and she began humming to it. As she saw the bus getting closer to her school she pressed the red button and the bus stopped letting her out. She got out and saw a few seconds later the bus stopped. She looked at it and saw the same dude getting out. He walked towards her and asked her something but she still had her earphones in so she didn't hear him. She took them out

"I'm sorry" he chuckled and asked her if she went to this school. She nodded as she began rolling her earphones on her finger then putting them in her pocket. "I'm new can you show me around?"

"Sure. I have nothing else to do but I need to stop at my locker first." He nodded as he followed her inside. Everyone stared at the guy besides Evelin. Whispers where heard by the guy as he walked pass them "I guess you can say I'm a outcast" he looked at the girl in front of him. "Ahh" now he knew why everyone was whispering.

"By the way I'm hyunjin" she opened her locker and put her school bag in taking out a couple of books then shutting her locker "Evelin" she finally said.

She turned to him "what's your schedule?" He pulled out his schedule out his pocket and showed it to her "ahh. I don't need to show you around. You can just follow me." He had a confused face and she saw it "you have all the same classes as me" "ohhh"

He followed her into their first class. He saw that they had no assigned seats so he decided to sit by her. The bell rung signaling for everyone to take a seat. "Everyone we have a new student today. Hyunjin please introduce yourself.

He stood up and everyone gasped "I'm hyunjin I came from jeju island and umm I'm eighteen." He sat back down quickly. Evelin looked at him "I guess you don't like introducing yourself?" She whispered and he nodded "ahh okay."

"Evelin can you come to the board and tell everyone what you're talking about?" She shook her head as she looked out the window. "Detention" she sighed and put her head down "well damn" Evelin picked her head up and looked at hyunjin who made that outburst "excuse me?" The teacher looked at him "detention for you too mister"

"Fine by me" he put his head down and so did Evelin. She wasn't exactly a person who did work in school because it was useless to her

                                 • •

School went by quicker than Evelin and  hyunjin expected. She sighed when she remembered she had detention and hyunjin noticed "ya know there's always one way out of detention." She looked at him and back at the classroom she was about to walk into "what is it?"

Hyunjin grabbed her hand and began running with her following behind him. She smiled as thinking that she finally found a friend

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