Chapter 1

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A/N imma keep the chapters short. I'll update when I'm bored or when someone says they want me to upload lol. K. Byeee 👋

Authors pov

Red, Pinocchio, daphne, puck, Sabrina, and basil were sitting in the living room, staring at the walls or the floor. Everyone was getting bored. Daphne, however, came up with a brilliant plan.

Daphne's pov
O. M. F. G. Why were we sitting around being bored? Let's have some fun. "I have an idea" I said happily. Everyone looked at me with hope, I smirked "We can play truth or dare!" I explained. Everyone cheered, except for Sabrina, she groaned. "Well everyone, let's go upstairs to Sabrina's room and let's play!"  I shout "Wait, why my room?" Sabrina asks. "Um duh, so you'll play with us. You'll never let us stay in your room without your supervision." I say, rolling my eyes playfully. She rolled her eyes right back and sighed, "What. Ever." She says, and starts walking upstairs to her room, with everyone following.

Sabrina's POV
I could literally kill daphne right now. She knows that I hate playing truth or dare. But, I couldn't resist, Because she told everyone that we would play it in my room. Ugh. Whatever. I'll play but if daphne tries anything with me and puck, I'll just do something to her with Pinocchio. We sat in a circle beside my bed and daphne started. She, of course, had a devilish smirk on her face. It was directed at me. I hate her. "Sabrina? Truth or dare?" She asks, still smirking. If I choose truth, she'll probably ask some stupid thing like do you love Puck? And if I choose dare, she'll probably dare me to do something stupid, more than likely, involving puck. "Dare" I reply. She smiles. "I dare you to rub puck's head until your next turn." I roll my eyes. How did I know? It's just a dare anyways. I crawl over to puck and start running my fingers through his hair. "Okay, Pinocchio, truth or dare?" I ask.

Pinocchio's pov
I was sitting across from Sabrina and puck, Red to my right, and basil to my left, daphne beside red and Sabrina beside basil, puck sat directly in front of me. When Sabrina started to rub puck's head, he closed his eyes and smiled. Sabrina looked at me and smirked. Oh no, "Okay, Pinocchio, truth or dare?" She asks me. "Truth" I answer, I look at daphne, she's shaking her head. Oh shit. "Okay, fun! Pinocchio? Do you have a crush on/do you love daphne?" She asks me, while smiling innocently at her sister. I gulped. I found a loophole though, "yes." I say, "YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH DAPHNE?" Red shrieks. "I never said that." I simply reply, she looked confused. "So, you have a crush on daphne?" She asks me, I smile, "I didn't say that either, you see, I only said 'yes' Sabrina never said that I had to specify what I felt towards daphne." I say smirking. Daphne's smiling at me. I smile back. "Basil, truth or dare?"

Das it for now!

Truth or dare (puckabrina. Obviously)Where stories live. Discover now