Chapter 7

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Everyone's POV (except for basil)




Sabrina's pov
So I hope puck says his last goodbyes because my father is going to absolutely murder puck once this is done. I can't to anything about this because if you don't do the dare, you have to eat a whole bottle of mayo by itself. And I'm not doing that.

Puck's POV
Well this is the end for me. "I would like to say my last words, Grimm you stink. That is all" I say and look at Grimm. I'd be lying if I said that I didn't want this, but definitely not under these circumstances. We look at each other, her cheeks are lightly flushed over. Two minutes. Thats all. Only two minutes of this and then I die. I look at Henry, and he looks like he's a teapot about to blow. Steam may just start leaking out of his ears. Anyways, back to Grimm.

Veronica's pov
This is it! The ship is about to sail! Now I know what you may be thinking, yes, I do ship puckabrina. Very much. And I'm very excited that this is about to happen. Puck and Sabrina are perfect for each other. This is going to be lovely. They're looking at each other. "Hurry up, or I'll add onto the time" basil chimes in. Their cheeks flush a darker color of red.

Nobody's pov
The two children sit across from each other, looking one another in the eye,  a dark shade of red sitting on their faces. Then puck finally speaks up, "okay then, Grimm? Can I kiss you?" He asks (consent is key, kids ;) ) she lightly nods her head. Puck gently grasps her face and leans in. (Btw, I've never kissed anyone. I don't know what a kiss is like, I've only read abt them in fan fictions 😂 so bare with me here) basil starts a timer for two minutes, Henry is fuming with anger, Veronica, red, daphne, and Pin are all containing their shipping as best as they can. Basil sits and smirks to himself, proud of his dare.

Sabrina's pov
He leans in, his lips connect with mine. Surprisingly, they're very soft. The dare was to make out, so he licks my lip, asking for entrance. (So basically I'm cringing.) I oblige and open my mouth slightly. Our tongues dance around for a bit and then start exploring in each other's mouths. This is not how I imagined my first make out but whatever. I wonder how long it's been.

Puck's POV (I'm not explaining the kiss again, just his thoughts on it)
I'm actually enjoying this, all these years I've been alive and I've never done this. Grimm is a pretty good kisser, not gonna lie. I think it's almost been two minutes by now. Almost on cue, I hear basil say that time is up.

That's all for now folks. I just realized that I never made Pin and daphne ballroom dance but that's okay, it was irrelevant anyways. This is about puck and Sabrina and they just kissed so there ya go. Sorry bout not updating. I rushed this chapter so y'all could get your content. Thx sm for the support again, it means so much to me. Hopefully I'll update soon but who knows at this point. K, byeeeee

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