Snapes Daughter (The Lost Book One)

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After the fight with Voldemort the Malfoys decided they wanted to have a bigger family. Two years later Narcissa Malfoy gave birth to a baby girl named Anna Grace Malfoy  Narcissa was very happy to have a baby girl it was what she always wanted but Lucius was not pleased. Seven years later Anna is an abused child because of her father and Anna tries to please her father as much as she can but it is never good enough.

One normal day at Digon Alley Anna was going shopping with her mother and her brother Draco for clothes for a Christmas party they were having. Anna and her brother Draco were at a clothing store while their mother was doing some Christmas shopping Anna look at her brother.

"Draco what do you think about this one?",  with a big smile on her face!

Anna held up a long sleeve green dress that was about down to her knees with her knowing that her brother loved the color green. Draco turned around and looked at the dress. Draco was not so into going shopping with his sister but Draco was very close to her and loved her dearly. Draco looked at the dress and smiled.

"It's nice.  Is that the one you want?"

Anna was standing there looking at the dress in the mirror spinning around a couple times thinking if this was the one she wanted.  She looked back to Draco.

"Do you think father will approve of this one?"

A couple hours before Draco and Anna went shopping Lucius took Anna by the arm and said.

"When you buy what you are going to wear tomorrow evening it will be elegant NOT stupid and pink.  It has to be long sleeve is that understood?"

Anna nodded, fearing her father was going to hit her if she didn't get the right dress.  She looked back up at her father.

"Do I have to get a long sleeve dress sir?"

Lucius let go of her arm and said "Unless you want to have me perform the Crucio Curse on you, no!"

Anna was terrified of her father but whenever she was around Draco or her mother she felt relaxed and safe. 

After about five minutes Draco said yes and he thought that their father would approve of the dress. Draco went up to the counter paid for the dress and left.

After they bought the dress Draco took Anna to get some ice cream and their mother met up with them. Draco was very protective over Anna because of what their father was doing to her. Anna was always in pain but when she was around Draco and her mother she tried to hide it.  Anna was always good with hiding her emotions. Even when she didn't hide them, she was as fun and perky as any other seven year old girl.

When she was done with her ice cream her brother flooed them home. Their mother was still doing some Christmas shopping and didn't want her kids around to see the presents she was getting for them. Anna walked through Malfoy Manor looking for her father wanting to show him the dress to see if he will approve. She walked to the door of her father's study too scared to knock on the door with fear building up of her father. After about a minute or two she finally built up the courage to knock. She knocked three times as quietly as she could so she didn't disturb her father.she herd a loud COME IN! From her father she didn't hesitate going in she came into her father's study quietly and looked at her father.

"h-hello father I don't mean to disturb you i j-just wanted to show you my dress" Anna said with fear in her voice.

Lucius look up from whatever he was reading and saw the bag his daughter was holding and looked at her for a moment before he replied.

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