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"Injection five of six administered, she has displayed basic kinetic powers and has begun to harness them independently without any understanding."

"Injection six of six administered. We have never been this far into the experiment without an issue. This injection could be fatal. She will be monitored more closely after her operation. One more day until the operation."

Elana had everything planned. She knew the rota like the back of her hand; she knew who would be on guard and when, she knew who she could convince and which words she would need, she knew the switchover times and how she could avoid getting caught. Most of all, however, she knew how to sneak around. They'd been training her in espionage for years, how could they not expect anyone to try and get away? Elana supposed that nobody ever remembered anything other than the Red Room. She wondered if anyone else had ever gotten out before graduating. Of course, everyone had heard of Natasha Romanoff but her defection had happened post-Red Room.
She slips out of her bed, her bare feet not making any sounds on the floor. She runs through the halls, knowing she has limited time. She darts into the room she usually shared with three others. Only one other girl remained. She slips past her, grabbing the black duffel bag and changing into her black leather clothing as quickly as possible. She shoulders the bag and rushes back out, the sound of her boots being muffled by her careful steps. She needs weapons; and that's her next stop.

Down the hallway, a right turn, a left turn, two right turns. Down a small flight of steps; seven to be exact, Elana had counted them many times before, but never had she needed to be so extremely careful. She stands by the door, pressed against the wall for a moment before she hears footsteps retreating. She slips in, untroubled before grabbing her preferred weapons. Her batons- the same ones she'd taken Sonya's life with- slip perfectly into the holders on her belt. She takes daggers, knives- anything small and throwable that will cause enough damage to allow her to escape confrontation without hand to hand combat. She leaves that room through the door opposite the one she came in through. Down the corridors she goes- hyper aware of the slightest movement anywhere near her.

She takes another left, opens a door and checks the corridor before her. She sets off again, crouching low and sticking to the shadows. Then some voices distract her.
"I'm here to discuss one of my pupils... Elana Sokolov."
Elana pauses. She sinks further into the shadows near the door, a bad feeling forming in her stomach.
"You know who."
"Yes, yes. I do. She's doing extremely well... for a test subject."
"I did not give you my permission!"
"But you don't have to anymore. I went straight to the Kremlin. They said yes."
"I didn't want her to be enhanced! You know that she could die if you give her all of them? We've never tested the sixth injection before, not with the rest of them!"
"I'd say she's doing pretty well."
Elana could almost hear the other person pale.
"What did you just say?"
"I said, she's doing pretty well."
"No. She's had all six already?"
"That is what I just said, Madame."
"She's enhanced..."
"Indeed she is."

Elana feels a strange concoction of shock, clarity and confusion rising inside of her, but she pushes them down. She continues on her path, faster this time, to make sure she wasn't caught by the next patrol that comes this way.
Down the hall, still ringing from the conversation she'd just overheard, she stops just before turning the corner and coming face to face with one of the many teachers still wandering the halls.
The teacher walks past slowly, as if knowing someone was watching her. Elana presses herself further against the wall slowly, her eyes closed and her breath held.
The teacher eventually walks past and, once Elana is certain that she's gone, she slips it and around the corner, running down it quietly and what she hopes is quickly enough. She knows she's behind schedule, she knows she has to run in order to get there in time.

She freezes- eyes wide and heart pumping harder than she thought possible.
"Miss Cameov," Elana says quietly, spinning around to face the dance teacher.
Her face looked sad, almost, as if she wished she hadn't caught the girl.
"You shouldn't be out here; you should be in the infirmary... why are you dressed? And... a bag? Elana..."
Elana bows her head slightly, wondering if it's a good idea to run for it. The girl stays silent under the watch of the teacher; she knew there was no chance of getting out now.
"Answer me one thing," the teacher whispers. "And answer truthfully." Elana nods hesitantly. "Do you remember?"
"No. I don't remember... but I don't believe what they tell me anymore. That this is 'for the greater good', that being an assassin is for the good of the state, of Russia and for the good of our government and secret service... I don't want to kill people for them, Miss Cameov, because if I start, I'll never stop."
"I understand." The teacher pauses. "Go. Go now, run. Get out, Elana. Do something good with yourself, and promise me you won't get caught again. They will not be lenient."
"Thank you. Thank you, Miss. I won't forget this!" Elana says, starting to run.
"You always were my favourite," the teacher says as her star pupil escapes down the hall.

Elana makes herself run faster than she was before. If Miss Cameov was there now, she needed to move. The patrols had gotten further than she anticipated. She runs through the corridors, no longer being as silent as night. Her senses are all heightened in the silence of the Red Room institute, the darkness is an ally and the light is a foe.

She runs out into the courtyard, the stones under her feet echoing as she runs. If she can make it out to Belesork, she's almost free.
She sees the wall- the one that separates the institute from the rest of the town- the little town that nobody ever leaves. She makes it to the lowest part and throws her bag over, following swiftly. She picks it back up and sighs, looking up to see the roof of the institute. A smile breaks across her face, but she forces it down. She isn't done yet.

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