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"Elana, Miss Romanoff and Director Fury are here to see you."
"Thank you, Jarvis. Tell them I'll be right there," she replies, pulling the brush through her blonde hair one more time before pulling it up into a tight ponytail. She pulls her shoes on and grabs her batons before she goes out to meet the two agents.
"Elana!" Natasha grins, happy to see the girl looking well. "How is Tony treating you?"
"He's been alright, thank you. You wanted to see me?" Elana smiles, tucking her batons into their holders.
"We wanted you to come and analyse a... power source that we have. Natasha believes you may be able to help us," Fury says, keeping his hands clasped firmly behind his back and his eye trained solely on Elana and her movements.
"You don't sound like you trust me, Director," Elana says teasingly. "That's good, because I don't trust you either!"
"This isn't a game, Miss Sokolov, this is important," Fury sighs.
"Nonsense. Everything's a game if you try hard enough," she sings. "I'm in, but only because it sounds like important, top secret business and I'm all in for knowing state secrets."
Director Fury nods once before leading her and Natasha out of the building through the elevator and the lobby. Outside, a black SUV is waiting for them. Elana doesn't stop to get in, however, as she walks around the car, checking under it and inside of it for any suspicious items. She seems satisfied after a broad sweep of the car and climbs in next to Natasha. She gives the girl a questioning look and she grins.
"Вы не можете быть слишком осторожны. Американцы - скользкие ублюдки," Elana jokes, knowing nobody else will get it.
You can't be too careful. Americans are slippery bastards.
"I guess you're right," Natasha replies, speaking English to annoy Fury just a bit more and catching on to Elana's mood very quickly.

Having settled into Stark Tower almost a week ago, Elana had prompted Tony to call S.H.I.E.L.D (mainly either Natasha or Nick) to inform them of the things she seemed to know about S.H.I.E.L.D itself and of skills she harbours. At one point, she managed to disabled his suits using one of the computers and another time, she had forced him to praise her in order to get into the fridge. Tony had definitely found himself becoming protective over the young girl like a daughter, as much as he pretended to be frustrated and uncaring, and he is almost certain she's figured it out too. So, despite her infuriating nature and tendency to be right when he's wrong, Tony Stark is beginning to care for Elana Sokolov. He hates it.

"So, Mr Director Fury," Elana says, turning to face him, "where are we going and what's going on there?"
"I'll tell you when we get there," he says, brushing her off.
"Where is there?" Elana asks.
"New Mexico, we're going to be travelling for a while, get comfy."
Elana sighs. All she's been doing recently is travelling. She wanted some action, some adventure.

"Welcome to New Mexico," Fury says as the helicopter swoops lower and lands. People are running around, evacuating the entire base. Some people have files and stacks of paper, others just briefcases. They're all leaving, though. The helicopter lands, Fury leading the way. Natasha had stayed back at another base, whispering something about Banner and a mission and, in her place Fury had called in Maria Hill. Though she is just as badass as Natasha, Elana doesn't feel as comfortable anymore. Her playful mood had slipped away into a bored, self-pitying one as she daydreams about what she could be doing if she was still at Stark Tower.

Elana and Maria tag behind Fury as he talks to yet another agent. "How bad is it?" Fury asks.
"That's the problem, sir. We don't know," the agent replies, walking beside Fury as he sweeps in.
Inside, staff run around collecting some essentials and leaving. We continue past these people, too, going further into the lab.

"Dr. Selvig read an energy surge from the Tesseract four hours ago," the agent reveals. Elana's brow rises in curiosity. She's heard of the Tesseract- an entity that helped Hydra during the Second World War. Some sources refer to it as a power source, others as some kind of mutational device.

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