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My footsteps tread on the puddles along the pavement. Each puddle I step on, I feel each splash touch my skin and the raindrops plaster my hair to my face. Why didn't I bring my umbrella? Now I'll be soaking wet. I shake my head and continue my steps.

I watch girls walking in groups with their friends, chattering, gossiping and giggling.

Whilst making my way to school, my mind wanders off to a different world full of happiness, bliss and sunshine. My own world that I call Hopeworld.
Where everything is so perfect, colourful and bright. A world where everyone is loved and life would be so much easier and lovely.

Unfortunately, this is reality and my real life is completely the opposite of Hopeworld. A difficult home life and social life.

I take my phone and earphones out from my bag. Plugging my earphones into my ears, I ignore the world and my surroundings and just slip into the beautiful sound of music and my world. Those are the only things that keep me happy at the moment — music and Hopeworld.

On my way, I create an image of what my guardian angel would look like. I'd want my angel to be a ball of sunshine. A smile so contagious that it would automatically bring a smile to my lips. Someone who is there to listen. Someone who would understand me. Someone who can turn my depressing life into a happy life. Who can teach me to stand my ground when bullies would whisper and mutter nasty comments behind my back. Someone who would comfort me during difficult times and be there even in my happiest moments of my life.

That's impossible for me. I can't even imagine. My angel only exists in my imagination.

As I enter the school, I brush my fingers through my wet hair. Suddenly, a roar of laughter fills the corridor with everyone pointing at me. I sigh and shake my head, ignoring the negative comments being thrown at me.

As I step into class, all heads turn to me. I feel my face heat up in embarrassment and walk inside to my assigned seat. I sigh when I hear more nasty remarks about me. I sit down and take my books out, trying so hard to ignore everyone.

I open my notebook and continue my drawing of my imaginary guardian angel. I smile when I almost complete the facial features — including its perfect smile. Once I'd finished, I put my pen down and my eyes enlarge slightly. I visualised my guardian angel as a male, that too an ethereal one.

"Oh, wow

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"Oh, wow." I hear someone utter, causing me to flinch.

I look up and see Namjoon with his expression in awe, not glancing at me. Instead, his gaze is fixed on my drawing.

"You startled me." I speak, placing my hand over my heart.

"I'm sorry, it's just...your drawing is amazing." He replies.

"Oh, thank you." I answer, smiling at him.

"But, who is that?" He asks.

I shrug. "Just someone I know."

He frowns and nods before walking back to his seat behind me.

Good thing I didn't tell him this is who I visualised my guardian angel to be otherwise he would have told me how mental I am.

Others here think you're mental if you have an imaginary friend or if you can see things and they have a specific name for that — mental patient.

Angering, I know.

I've always wished for a guardian angel for two years now but unfortunately my wish has never come true. All I can do is just imagine its presence with me or in my mind.

One time, I told my mother about my imaginary friend when I was 7 years old and she said that it's just a figment of my imagination.

The sudden ringing of the school bell causes me to snap out of my thoughts. The teacher walks in, greeting us and we greet her back before our lessons start.


I gather my things together and put them into my bag. As I exit the school, I look outside and see that the rain has stopped. I continue my steps and make my way home.

I arrive home and enter the living room and see my little sister doing her homework whilst scrolling through her phone at the same time. I smile and shake my head before greeting her. "Hey, brat."

She hums in reply and waves at me whilst staring at her phone. I send her a pokerface and rush upstairs. As I enter my bedroom, I sit down on my bed and begin my revision.

Then my mind diverts to the thought of my angel again. I take out the sketch of the angel I finally finished in the morning, out of my bag. I just stare at it and smile.

I would want my angel to be my guardian. My guardian angel.

Someone who I can spend the most beautiful moments in life with...

Someone who I can spend the most beautiful moments in life with

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Hope you loved this chapter so far, dongsaeng💜 @jeunjunglebook

Always keep smiling and stay strong, we're all with you. I love you so much💛

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