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He kissed my forehead. It feel so warm. From all the night, this night was the best night ever because he is hugging me while sleeping and it is so warm and cozy and I loved it so much. I feel like the most special person in this world. I hit myself on the face to make sure it was not a dream and the best thing that it was not a dream. He looked at me while I am under his chest makes me feel so
warm and safe. He asked me why do I look like thinking so much. I just smiled and hid my face under his chest. He giggled at my reaction after making eye contact with him. I suddenly feel sad because I have to Japan tomorrow and I would not be seeing him for two weeks and I already feel like dying for missing him to much. When I was thinking so much I didn't know that I slept so easily tonight and I woke up without feeling tired. I saw Ming looking at me and I got shocked by it. I jumped out of the bed and took my towel and went in the bathroom.

At the Airport

I, Pha and Beam are getting ourself check before heading to the luggage checking point. Pha and Yo keep hugging so tight which makes me jealous. While Beam and Forth is having a little arguement about this trip but later then he hugged Beam. When Ming is looking at me while I was looking at those couple he then hugged me from the back and whisper in my ear "P'Kitkat, come back faster because I will be waiting for you here and make sure to be in good health.

After 2 weeks
Ming P.O.V

The day I been waiting for have come. I cannot wait to see my P'Kitkat. My dearest P'Kitkat and his cute little dimple. Btw who can resist his cute dimple.I was waiting for him at the airport with Yo and Forth. I saw Pha and Beam but I did not see my Kitkat. I stopped Pha and asked where is Kitkat is. He told me that Kit will be coming back home tomorrow because he is following our teacher. I feel so sad and a little dissapointed because he did not tell me when we were talking in the phone last night. Pha and Beam is having their sweet moment. I went home and try to call P'Kit but he did not answer. I went to P'Kit 's room to clean his room. When I opened the door and went in. I opened his curtain to let the light in. After cleaning I went back to my room to have some rest. I miss him so much and I feel like dying already. When I was sleeping, suddenly my whole hand feel so heavy and I woke up and see that my Kitkat is here with me and he lying on my arm. I could'nt be dreaming about this just because I miss him right? I asked myself this question multiply of times. I kissed him on the lips because I could not resist him no more. He got shock from that kiss. I kissed him in passionate feeling and went I stop kissing he pulled me foward to continue the kiss.

After a year
The moment we been waiting for has come which is graduation day. Since I and P'Kitkat is graduating in the same day. We are getting ready to go to our university. We changed our clothes and to make sure we looked good in our clothes. I put on the tie for P'Kitkat and he look so cute. I looked at him and thanked God for bringing him into my life.


Thank you for reading and being in patience for waiting for a chapter to be published. I know some of you is happy because you have reach the ending but I will continue this book with a second book.🤗 Don't forget to follow me to get a notification about my new book👌. I love all of you and thank you for all the support and give me this much of love which I don't deserve at all. Thank you💕

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