#7 Younghyun

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"Jae? Why am I here?"

Younghyun had returned to his uncomfortable bed a few minutes after the head nurse left. He couldn't remember a thing from the last 24 hours. The last thing he knows is, that he was supposed to accompany his sister to her visit at the doctors. She was expecting a child and wanted her brother to be with her, when the gender was revealed. Who had went with her, if he was in hospital? Her babys father didn't want to have anything to do with her after she told him about her drunken mistake. He abonded her like a broken doll. And that made her brother angry. He wanted to rip off his dick for treating his family like this. But he couldn't. Her boyfriend disappeared shortly after their break up.

The voice of his friend rips the younger from his rather violent daydreams. Jae had been trying to get his attention for quite some time now and it makes the younger blush. He hates how easily distracted he always was. He turns towards Jae but slids down on his bed at the same time, to use his blanket to cover up his red face. Unfortunately for him, Jae knows the younger way to good and guesses his intentions beforehand. So he grabs the thin blanket and pushes it down to Younghyuns legs. Jae takes his hand and asks him silently to stand up. When Younghyun is standing, almost falling a few times back on the bed in the progress of standing up, Jae slings his arm around the youngers waist to steady him. It earns him a thankful look from the younger, before they start to walk out of the room, searching for a place, where they can get something to eat. Younghyun had slept through luch time and Jae had come running after his shift, meaning he hasn't eaten too.

When they finally make it to the cafeteria a tired Younghyun sits down, while Jae goes and gets little snacks, seeing as dinner time was approaching fast. The younger leans back in his seat and closes his eyes, relaxing. A featherlight touch on his neck and a little kiss on his forehead wake him up from his daydream, to face an even more wonderful reality. Jae sitting in front of him, smiling and holding a yogurt with two spoons. The younger waits for his hyung to start eating, before he is dipping his spoon into the yogurt and slowly starts eating. A fond smile creeps onto Jaes lips while he is watching the pretty boy in front of him.

P.S. I know Brian is an only child, but his sister is essential for the plot of the sequel to this book, which I already planned. It'll be full of drama, so prepare yourselfs :) I'll be posting it after I finished this book. I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Love F.❤

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