Part 10 - Next....

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From that moment onward, Levi never forgot the one word I said. He would tease me often when we were alone, asking me to call him 'daddy' in the heat of the moment so I would have no choice.

Then there was the times where he would risk making us exposed by saying it in public in front of everyone. I could be standing in a group and Levi would walk behind me, grab my ass and would whisper  'you're daddy's here~' into my ear seductively. I would end up a blushing mess while everyone just stared at me, confused to bits.

The treatment continued for a while until I became immune to it.... only there was one catch. I ended up calling him daddy out of habit. This had consequences.
Big ones.
I often say hi to Levi as I walk past. Now, I say:

"Hey Daddy~"

With a smirk and then walk off. Levi would be the one slightly blushing then, and once again everyone else would be super confused. We had to be careful, one wrong move and we could be exposed. Not that I had an objection to that....


It was now time, time for another mission. This round it was a hunt. A group of us had to find someone who went into hiding, he had important information about the mafia and so, as always, he had to be eliminated.

We were all gathered in the main hall to have a briefing and then group call. I was hoping to be picked for this mission as I want to redeem myself from last time.

Levi was stood atop of one of the cargo shipping containers, high above everyone else. We all waited until he began to talk. Me, personally, stared at his beautifully casted face which the light hits in all the right places. There was a slight breeze which allowed gusts of wind to travel in and out each individual strand of his luxurious, jet black hair. I felt my face heat up in awe of what I witnessed. Finally Levi began to speak, gaining alls attention.

"Listen up people, I have a new mission for you to complete. This guy," Levi points to a blown up picture of a guy in his mid 30s who had bright blond hair and a short beard, "Samuel Branz. He's an undercover spy for the titans, and he has important- no, dangerous information on us. He MUST be eliminated." Chatter began to arise and people worried about their personal details potentially being leaked.
I get the worry but, why join if you have a weakness? Good job anything and everyone I care about is either gone or in the mafia with me. I thought while standing, arms crossed with a serious face.

Levi began to hush everyone and continued to what I thought was the most important part, the groups.

"Alright so there will be 3 teams of 4 on this mission. Now in case you can't do maths, that's only 12 people. Reason for so many even though this is a hunt is simple; he isn't working alone. He has 3 others with him who we need to separate from him. Now onto the first group." I awaited patiently with my hands sweating from nerves, I really wanted to be on this mission.

"Group 1 leader: Hange Zoë. Her squad: Armin alert, Zack Heff and  Jean Kirschtein." Mumbles were spreading as the said people made there way to the front.

"Group 2 leader: Mike Zacharias. His squad: Joe Francis, Sasha Browes and Alex Cranch." I was worried, Levi knew I wanted to go on a mission and yet I have a bad feeling about this. Once again the said people walked forward to talk tactics.

"Finally group 3 leader: Moblit Berner. His squad: Mikasa Ackerman, Darren Mable and Connie Springer. That's all. All names called out, meet in the 3 meeting room. I'll be there shortly." My eyes wide in shock. I wasn't picked. I couldn't believe it, he knew what this meant to me.

The crowed dispanded and I looked up at Levi in disappointment. I needed to talk with him and judging by the look on his face, he knew what was coming.

I rushed to his office to meet him and without knocking I barged the door open. There, sat in his office chair waiting, he sipped his tea in his unusual manner while slightly looking up to see me huffing from the speed walk.

He was about to speak but I interrupted him first.

"How could you!? Of all people you knew I wanted to go on this mission! Why didn't you pick me!?" I raised my voice as I stormed up to his and grabbed him by his neat and precise shirt collar, his cravat loosening.

"Now now brat, calm down I had a reason for not picking you." He sighed. "Now if you'd kindly let me go I'll explain." His emphasis on 'kindly' made it clear that he was not in the mood for a fight. I released my threatening grip and slumped down into a chair, awaiting the oh so great reasoning for not picking me. Impatiently I sighed and glared at him, wanting a response.

"I'm training you. Twice a week we will be doing training sessions. Punches, tactics, firearms and leadership. Everything that you need to get into the higher ups." Levi sighed and crossed his muscled arms. My eye widened in shock. It was unbelievable that Levi was considering me to join the higher ups when I've been here less than a year. What was he thinking?

"Are you serious?!"


Alright so this chapter is a longer one and potentially a little boring BUT, I promise that things will be getting exciting! Who knows what will come out of these training sessions...?  😏

Just to mention, all names in this chapter not part of attack on Titan are made up. Any familiarity are purely coincidental.


I call the mafia boss daddy~ Levi x Eren Where stories live. Discover now