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Drea was tripping coming to our house with that shit. I never took her lil threats serious because it was nothing to tell Moni and she knew that, she had it good but she fucked it up she got greedy and wanted more than she was getting and that was me ,I didn't understand that because Moni was doing enough by just sharing I don't know too many females build like my baby she was down for whatever and she like to try new shit that was just us and we didn't care who had something to say. At first, I wasn't fucking with Drea like that without Moni around, but she kept on pushing up on a nigga and temptation got the best of a nigga. I use to sneak around with her and take her with me when I took trips out of state I knew I was dead ass wrong but shit happens but we got too comfortable and I was neglecting Moni, when Drea told me she was pregnant I was low key happy but I felt guilty for doing that to Mo knowing that she always wanted a family so to get the next bitch pregnant was a slap and the face but before I could tell her ,she caught us coming out of the movies one night and just took off on Drea and she beat her bad with the help of Stank of course. I know y'all think I'm a nasty nigga but I'm not perfect and I love Mo that's my soon to be wife and mother of my child.


I guess Rena thought a nigga was just talking but I wasn't playing I already let the phone calls pass but him showing up was a whole different thing I felt disrespected and he had me fucked up. I didn't like the way Ree looked at him and I wasn't going to get played like that. You know what love I know this your house and I'm not trying to disrespect you but let me know what's up do you want him or me?" I asked Rena I know I was putting her on the spot, but I needed to know, we were all grown, and I wasn't about to be played at all. I want to be with you Ryan," she said but I just didn't feel like the feelings we had for each other was mutual and I knew he had a hold on her, but I was certain I could erase any thoughts she was having about him out her head. Ok nigga you heard what she said. I respect that Ree," he told her walking out the door. I grabbed her by the hand and led her upstairs I was ready to do whatever to make sure she wasn't going back to him I made love to every inch of her body till the sun came up.

Rena and I been going strong for a month now. I was watching the game why her and Dream baked cookies and cake. They had a strong bond with each other, when Rena and I was just friends I use to bring Dream around her all the time and they clicked instantly, she even use to watch her for me sometimes I was glad that Dream liked Ree just as much as I did. Daddy, Daddy look what me and Ms. Rena made," she said handing me a cookie, that's good baby girl go get me another one," I whispered to her being silly. Rena came out the kitchen with Dream and sat next to me, No more cookies till dinner is done," she said pecking my lips. We ate dinner together and Ree gave Dream a bath and put her to bed. I knew Rena would be the perfect wife, I wanted to start a family with her, but she constantly told me she wasn't ready, and I couldn't do nothing but respect that.


I made the right decision when I made it official with Ryan I knew Boss couldn't be the man I needed and still was living and doing him. I haven't heard from him since that night he decided to pop up at my door and that was a month ago. Ryan and me was doing good and I love Dream that was baby we spend a lot of time together especially when her daddy go out of town. It was nothing new though I always watched her for him. I was on my way to pick her up when my phone started to ring, Moni name popped up and I just knew she was going to curse me out we haven't spent any time together due to her going through her problems and me with mine, when I did catch up with her I told her about my issues and she thought it was so funny, but I didn't think it was at all. Hey Bitch you could check in with me and your god child, she said into the phone as soon as I answered it, you right I have been neglecting y'all, I said pulling up to Dream school. I'm picking up baby girl from school, so we just gone swing by and see you," I told her knowing that would shut her up, she agreed, and I hung up. I walked in the office to sign Dream out, but they told me she got picked up already, so I walked back to my car and called Ryan. What's up love, he said into the phone, hey babe why u didn't tell me you picked up baby girl already, I asked him getting inside my car. I didn't pick up Dream love what you talking about," he asked me. She's not here I just got here, and they said she been picked up already so that's why I called you. By this time, I was panicking but I didn't want Ryan to notice I wanted him to stay calm as possible. Let me hit you back shawty I'm about to call my ol girl, he said hanging up.

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