Hero Killer Stain

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No one's POV

It was Aizawa Shouta, he had grief clutching to his face like a leach. He looked down, thinking over the words, the right words to consider your feelings and past.

"You will be staying with me, I live in quite a spacious flat, I hope you'll be comfortable there," he told you making eye contact with your confused E/c orbs.
"You're kidding... Did something happen to mum?" You asked.

"She's currently in hospital, she is in a coma... They have no idea what condition she is in, but your mother is strong, it'll be ok," he said, though he knew her condition. The doctors said she will probably die in the span of this month, and if she'll live, they can't say what condition she'll be in.

Your eyes teared up,"I have to see her! What if she... She... She tried to protect me... But what if this is the last time I'll see her?" You sobbed, Aizawa pulled you into a tight embrace.

"F/n, it'll be ok," he told you, believing his words only as much as you did.

Not much.

"No... Please... I need to see her now..." You cried, he narrowed his eyes and complied with the request.
"I'll take you there," he took your hand, "come on, she's not too far away from here..."

You followed in silence, as your hands shook and your voice became weak, the news ate away at your sanity. You took a deep breath and squeezed his hand to let him know you weren't ok, he couldn't do anything. He looked back with sympathy.

"Sensei... Do you think she'll be ok?" You asked unsure if you even wanted an answer.
"I really don't know..." He answered truthfully, and you appreciated that.

Your eyes had welled in tears more than you can remember, the clear liquid kept a pace down your soft cheeks.

Life was unfair.

Just when you made friends, just when you began to understand happiness, you remembered that it couldn't last, it wouldn't last.

It never did...

He took you by car and gave you some tissues and water to sip on. It was obvious he didn't know how to make you feel better, and it was ok, he did enough for you as it is.
You tried to cry quietly, and it worked for the most part, but not forever.

You were sobbing, and it painted him to hear you like that, more than you could imagine.
"Hey... We're almost there, you'll see her soon so don't cry," he told you.

You thought about his words and gulped down your tears, realising you were acting childish. You raised your head and took a deep breath.
You leaned back in your seat, "I'm sorry, I'm ok now..." You confirmed.

He smiled lightly, you were exactly like your mother, strong, both physically and at mind, you were an exceptional student according to him. He was proud to call you a student of his, and if you know him, you know that's the biggest compliment you could receive.

"We are here, do you want me to go with you to see her, or do you want to go in separately?" He asked.

"I don't really mind, do what you please," you answered already on your way to the lady at the desk, "excuse me... I'm the daughter of-" you didn't finish your sentence before she gestured to follow her.

You were surprised, but went along with Aizawa trailing behind you.

"I suppose Mr.Aizawa already told you, but she is in serious condition..." She told you, "despite her position as pro hero, her chances seem slim, I'm sorry..." She explained.

You nodded.

Aizawa furrowed his eyebrows, expecting you to react in a more... Well, shocked and miserable manner, he sighed, you were even stronger than he thought.

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