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*phone rings*

"Dad. Calling." Says my phone while I'm driving my car around the city of Los Angeles. I sighed and pushed the button of my receiver that is on my ear.

"Yes, dad?" I answered with the most annoyed tone that I'm pretty sure my father gets irritated at.

"Beca, I'd like you to come to the office. Now."

I groaned. "What? I'm busy dad."

"Rebecca, it's urgent."

I winced at the sound of my real name. I sighed and just answered, "Fine. I'll be there in 20."

I couldn't really do anything about it. I'm the only person Dad can trust when it comes to his office matters. Or whenever that 'matter' is just too important that only I can handle it. When I arrived at my father's office building, I parked my red Pagani Zonda F at my usual parking space and head immediately for his office.

I entered through his glass door and saw him talking to four people. Two girls and two guys. The first girl was a tall brunette who looks like she likes to flirt, anyway she's hot. The other girl is more like a shy-type Asian girl with her bangs and long black hair. The first dude has blonde military hair, tattoos on his muscled arms and handsome...but I'm not really into guys no matter how hot this guy is. The second one is a brown haired guy smiling goofily at me.

"Ah Beca, I'm glad you have arrived. I would like you to meet Stacie Conrad, Lily Onakuramara, Luke Fraser and Jesse Swanson. They're gonna be your allies for next mission." States my father.

Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. My name's Beca Eve Mitchell...22 years old. CIA agent. I entered the CIA when I was like 15 years old, because my father is also a CIA agent. Now he's like the boss.

"Everyone, I'd like you all to meet my daughter, Rebecca." My father continued, then I rolled my eyes and immediately corrected him.

"Just call me Beca." I spatted as they all reach for my hand to shake.

"It's an honor to meet the director's daughter. I've heard about your missions and accomplishments, and I must say that I'm very impressed." Says Luke with his british accent. I got shock in that by the way. I smiled back at him and said, "Thank You. But I bet you're better than me."

Ok I admit I was fishing a bit, but I was also telling the truth. In the agency, I'm the youngest agent with the most excellent records. That's why I told you that my father only trusts me the most in the most important missions.

We all took our seats as the mission briefing started. All of them having those serious face as I just rest my head on my hand.

"I would like to thank you all for coming in today." My father started as the lights dimmed a bit. "I have asked all of you to come here because there's a client who has asked for our help, and also all of you look young enough for this mission." He continued as the lights went off and a screen lighted up in front. It showed a middle-aged man with ginger-brown hair and half-moon glasses. "This is Mr. Charles Beale. He's one of the most important officers in the Pentagon. Back on March 15, 2014 he began receiving blackmails and threats on him and his family. He has asked me personally to provide security to his daughter, Chloe Beale."

The screen began to show images of a very beautiful redhead who has bright blue eyes. I was captivated immediately, but tried to focus more on what my father was blabbing about. "Chloe Beale is currently a senior Medicine student at Barden University which is located at Baton Rouge, Louisiana."

I saw Luke raised his hand and my father turned to him. "What is it Luke?"

"How are we able to protect her? She doesn't even know us...and the people who gave Mr. Beale the threat will be able to take knowledge immediately of us protecting his daughter." Says Luke with a firm tone. Stacie and the other two nodded in agreement. I just looked at them, but Luke does have a point.

"Good point, Luke. That's why your mission is to protect Ms. Chloe Beale without her knowing your real identity as secret agents. You will also be enrolled in Barden University to be able to keep an eye on her always.

"What? We're going to college?" I asked dejectedly.

"Yes, Beca. You will be college students until the mission is over."

"And when will it be over?" I eyed him skeptically.

"Until the people who gave Mr. Beale the threats will be get caught." He said with a firm tone. I dropped my jaw and just gaped at him. Was he serious? I hate going to college and that's one of the reasons I went for being a CIA agent. And now I'm going to be a college student in a freaking university for a mission?! HELL NO.

"Oh come on Beca. College is not as horrible as you think. There's a lot of fun in college." Stacie convinced which was followed by a nod by my father in agreement. "Stacie's right, Becs. There's a lot of opportunity to also enjoy it. You haven't experience college, so now's a good time to make it worthwhile."

"So when this mission starts?" asked Jesse.

"You'll be leaving for Louisiana in 2 days." My father said as he started distributing 5 folders with our names on it. "Here are your transcripts and all important documents for your enrollment. Also, there's information about your characters. You need to study them in able to portray the right attitude. If you'll be able to portray your roles properly, the mission should be easy."

"Oooh, it's like we're playing roles of college stereotypes! I like it." Says Stacie as she started reading her files.

"What's your role?" I asked her curiously and she smirked at me.

"I'm the college slut!" she says excitedly with the clapping of her hands. I looked down on my file and saw y role.

Rebel DJ.

I smirked at my father who was also smirking at me. That's what I like about him. He knows exactly how to play a game, and how to make it more fun. I'm pretty sure this mission is gonna be easy since my role is exactly who I am...and also, I get to see and protect that pretty redhead. So it's basically a win-win.

"So does this mean I can bring my equipment with me?" I asked with wide eyes, and he chuckled.

"Of course." He said.

"I'm the quiet Asian." Says Lily as she reviews her file. "I'm the dorky movie-guy." Jesse said.

"I'm a badass rider." Says Luke.

"So, all you need to do is prevent Chloe from any harm or danger. If things get worse, give us a call and we'll get you some back-up. Get close to her or be her friend...just make sure that you'll be able to keep an eye on her all times."

And so we were all talking about how exciting it is or what clothes we should wear and dad explained a few more things on what we should prepare. Finally, the briefing was over and we all started standing up and leaving when my dad called us again.

"By the way, before I forget...don't violate our rule in this agency. Never have personal feelings for our client. Let's keep this professional. Are we all clear?" he asked seriously.

We all nodded, and I gulped.

Shit, I'm not allowed to fall in love.

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