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I told Jesse everything. I told him that I like (actually, love) Chloe and that I've been head over heels for her ever since. Jesse was shocked. First because, for starters it's against the rule. Second, he didn't know it was already happening, while he was still trying to make the moves on me...but somehow, he understands. And it was really cool of him to be very understanding. Nevertheless, I told him about the fake relationship I have with Chloe. I told him about Tom Hamilton and how he was such a douche to Chloe.

"Have you read his file?" Jesse asked.

"No. Not yet...why?" I answered.

"Nothing much...I just thought that if he's such a douche, and would be a little bit of threat to Chloe...I think it's just right that you need to know him." He shrugged.

Now that I think about it...yes, Jesse's right. I nodded.

"C'mon." I said as I stood up from my seat in our booth in the diner we were eating at. I took out my wallet and start to pull out some money.

"Woah, hold your horses Becs. I'm paying." Jesse said as he stood up and pull out his wallet too. I chuckled as I beat him on putting the money on the table.

"Too late, big guy. C'mon, let's go to my dorm."

"Fine, but next time I'm paying."

"Oh, so there's a next time, huh? Smooth Jesse, very smooth." I smirked.

He just shrugged and smiled. "I'll take my chances." And so we head off to my dorm with Stacie.

We both arrived in my dorm in like 10 minutes. As we enter the room, Stacie wasn't there. I walked directly to my table to retrieve Tom's file that Luke got me, while Jesse sits down on my bed. I opened the file and pursed my lips.

"His full name's Thomas Dale Hamilton. Born on April 27th,1993. He's been an orphan ever since he was 7 years old. He's hometown is in Boston, Massachusetts. Majors in Psychology..." Jesse and I looked at each other.

"That's it?" he asked with a raised eyebrow. I flipped some more pages and just saw nothing else.

"It's just plain bio data." I shrug.

"Hold on...there's gotta be more. Like he should have, past schools, or his parents' name or guardian's name. If he's adopted by someone, there should be a file too." Jesse said as he stood up from my bed and looked at the file himself.

"I agree. I mean, everything should be documented. It doesn't make any sense of him studying here with no trace of who his guardian is or his adopted parents are." I said.

"I saw him at hood night, and he looks like a friend of Bumper and Donald's." Jesse said.

"Oh, the Treblemaker captains?" I asked.

"Yeah." He nodded. "It also seemed they're really close. I mean, they have hangouts together. Sometimes, Tom would just appear in the BTM house and just snatch the two and then they'll leave." Jesse said.

"Alright, Jess. New assignment for you." I declared.

"What is it?"

"Get to the bottom of this. I want you to watch Tom, or Bumper and Donald. I don't know why, but this file gives me suspicions." I said.

"Aye, captain." Jesse nodded with a smile. "I'm on it."

Two days have passed. Rehearsals were a pain, as usual. But, Chloe and I haven't had the chance to hangout because of our rehearsal extending for 2 more hours...which is very excruciating in my part. But I never can get enough of Stacie and Aubrey stealing glances at each other. The other Bellas have been starting to notice, and some of them have been starting to ask me questions, such as "Hey beca, what's up with Stacie and Aubrey?" and "Hey, short stuff is Stacie and Aubrey banging each other?" (the last one was from Fat Amy). Chloe and I have been texting each other, throwing little innocent flirtations but nothing much that was out of the line...although in my part, every time there's a wink-face in her text, my stomach would do a summersault and my cheeks would split because of grinning.

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