Acapella Nerds

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"So our first objective is to find Chloe. The earlier we find her, the better. Jesse might not be able to participate since he's stuck with his dorm mate. You, Stacie and Lily will need to look for Chloe. When you find her, give me a call. Immediately." Ordered Luke with his serious british tone. I nodded.

"Did you give Jesse and Lily their coms?" I asked as I put mine inside my ear. Coms are communication devices. They are ear pieces that makes us communicate with each other, even if we are far away from each other. They're like cell phones or like walkie-talkies, but more like a high-tech ones and well...badass.

Luke nodded at me and gave me a smile. "Stacie took hers a while ago."

"Good. Try to hack the school's surveillance cameras, so you can also help us look for Chloe." I suggested and Luke nodded again. I gave him a playful salute before going out on the quad.

Alright...redhead man hunt begins.

I walked through the crowd of college students roaming around the quad. It was noisy and a bit irritating for me, well because I'm not really a crowd's person. I put a finger on my ear and tried to contact with Stacie, Jesse or Lily.

"Anybody found Chloe yet?" I asked and Jesse was the first one to answer.

"Negative. I'm stuck with my dorm mate who is so in love with the Treblemakers." I heard Jesse answered. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"What the hell is that?" I asked. Then I got to see Jesse standing beside a guy wearing stripes shirt and high-waist pants watching a group of guys singing in Acapella.

"They're some sort of acapella group." He answered back.

"A bunch of nerds?"

"You bet they are."

I chuckled and began to walk away to continue my search. It was a bit silly seeing clubs like Quidditch Club or a Running Circle club...I mean, what's their purpose anyway? Is there anything they do that would actually contribute something important to this world? No offence, but still.

I turned my head side to side in hoping to find the gorgeous redhead that we are supposed to be protecting but with no luck. I mean with the number of students roaming around, she could be anywhere. On the other hand, there's this one booth that actually caught my eye. The Barden DJs.

Remember that I like mixing songs, and my role is a rebel DJ? Well, this might be my chance to fulfill my role AT the same time while enjoying my stay, not until a blondie walked next to me.

"Awyeah, DJs...'deaf jews'" she said as she pointed at one of the display cardboards, reading its content. I frowned a bit. It's because of disappointment, that's why. I actually thought that I could enjoy my stay here while on a mission, when the truth is DJ means Deaf Jews here. The blondie said a snarky remark towards the guys who greeted us with "Shalom". I laughed at her humor while I slowly slip away to continue to search for the redhead.

"Becky, I found Chloe." I heard Luke said.

"What? Where?" I hurriedly asked.

"Look for the Barden Bellas booth." He said and so I turned my head and looked for it. I saw the booth and there she was, standing gorgeously wearing a blue checkered dress. It took a few seconds for me to snap out of my daze. I tried contacting the other three again. "Guys, I found Chloe."

"Great job. I'm still with my roomie here." Says Jesse.

"Good!" I heard Stacie answered. "Stacie, where the fuck have you been?" I asked a bit annoyed.

"I've been asking questions if anybody has seen or knows Chloe." She answered and I face palmed myself.

"Actually, I saw her hanging out with the frat guys." Luke said with a chuckle and then I heard Jesse laughed.

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