Chapter Two

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>Scarlett's POV<

Harry and I walk into the small house and take our seats at the long dinner table. I sit in between Harry and Gemma. We all begin digging into the huge dinner made by yours truly.

After awhile of chatting and eating. Harry and I exchange looks. Harry nods to me very sternly. I shut my eyes and take a few deep breaths.

Just do it Scarlett. Just get it over with. They'll be happy for you. Just do it. I think to myself. I finally have the courage to lift up my spoon and tap my glass of water to get everyone's attention. All the eyes at the table shoot at me like lasers. I sit there, my mind goes blank.

I feel a light tap on my shoulder, I turn towards Harry, smiling yet another cheeky smile at me. He sets his hand lightly on my thigh.

"You can do this." He says smiling. I nod in reply and smile back.

"I need to talk to you all about something." I begin. "Something, that'll change my life forever." I take a huge deep breath and continue my speech. "So as you all know, I've always wanted to become an author. And to start my career, I need to go to college. So, I've decided. I'm going to travel Europe, touring different colleges. Until I find the right one." I finish. My mum drops her fork on to her plate which makes a loud pinging sound from her plate. She stares at me in shock.

"Well hun... I respect your decision. But you can't go alone." My mum tells me.

"What?! I'm eighteen I can make my own decisions and this one seems right. I'm old enough to travel alone!" I fight back.

"But Scarlett you're not ready to go alone." My dad tells me.

"Yes I am! I'm eighteen I can do whatever I want!" I spat back at them.

"Well when you can find someone who wants to go with you then we'll talk about it." My mum says. I lean back in my chair in frustration.

"I'll go." Harry tells my parents. Everyone's eyes shoot towards him in shock.

"Harry you don't have to..." I tell him.

"But I want to." He says smiling at me. "Mum... Dad... I want to travel Europe with my best friend to help her pursue her dream." Harry tells his parents.

"Well... If you're going with Scarlett I'm okay with that." Harry's mum says smiling at the both of us. Harry's dad nods his head indicating a yes. Harry and I flip our heads towards my parents. Worry takes over my body as we all sit in silence.

"Well if Harry is going with you I can't see why not." My dad says smiling at me. I stare at my mum, wondering what she's thinking.

"I agree with your dad." She says smiling at the both of us. I squeal happily as I go around the room hugging everyone.

"Thank you all so much!" I say happily. "You won't regret your decision I promise!"


I hear a small knock from outside my bedroom door as I shove more than half my closet into my suit case. I grab the remote to my stereo system, which is playing Empire by Shakira, and turn down the volume.

"Come in!" I shout as I continue to try and fit more stuff into my suitcase. The door barley opens, revealing a emerald green eye peering through the door. "Get in here dork" I chuckle as I throw one of my converse at the door. Harry chuckles as he enters my bedroom.

"Well jeez I was just trying to be funny." He says taking a seat on my full sized bed.

"Wait you were actually trying? Oh I didn't find that funny at all." I joke with him. He sticks his bottom lip out and crossing his arms like a five year old boy and begins complaining.

"Scarlett that's not very nice!" He pouts. I laugh as I toss him one of his old football jerseys from when we were about six. "What's this?" He asks holding it up like it's something he's never seen before.

"What the hells it look like?" I ask as I continue shoving clothing into my suitcase.

"A midgets football jersey?" He asks still staring at it like it's a diseased animal.

"So you are midget!" I say jokingly.

"Well that makes no sense since I'm 5 feet taller than you." Harry over exaggerates.

"No! You're only five inches taller than me!" I pout. Harry's 5'11" while I'm only 5'6".

"Who's the midget now?" He asks deviously. I just roll my eyes as I turn up the music, which is now playing Monster by Imagine Dragons.

"So when are we leaving?" Harry asks as he lays down on my bed.

"You don't have to come you know. I can just ask Addi or something." I tell him. Addi is my best girl friend. We're quite close, but never as close as Harry and I.

"No! Scarlett it's okay! I really want to come with you!" He says sitting up. I set down the shirt I was about to shove into my suit case and put my hand on my hip, a glare coming across my face. Harry just gives me his signature cheeky smile which gets me every time.

"Are you sure? It's gonna be a long trip. Weeks, months, maybe even a year." I assure him. He just smiles at me happily.

"Sounds amazing! Traveling Europe and Ireland with my best friend ever? I couldn't ask for a better vacation!" Harry says like it's the best thing in the universe which makes me giggle.

"Okay.." I say continuing to shove clothing into my suit case. "We leave Thursday morning at around 7 am. My mum bought me 2 tickets to Scottland." I tell him.

"Great! I'll pick you up Thursday at 5 am!" Harry says standing up and giving me a warm and heartfelt hug before leaving the room. He sticks his hand through the door, giving me a wave before he leaves the room. I notice Harry left his midget jersey on my bed. I grab it and walk to my window, seeing Harry walking towards to car.

"Hey dork!" I shout from my upstairs bedroom window. Harry turns towards me, knowing exactly where I'm yelling at him from. "You forgot your midget jersey!"

"Keep it! Another gift!" He shouts as he waves goodbye and hops into his Mini Cooper. He starts the engine and speeds off. Leaving me with his midget jersey.


Authors Note...

Letting all of you Americans know... I mean Football as in Soccer. Not American Football. So Harry's football jersey is actually his soccer jersey. Just wanted to make that clear if you didn't get it.

Harry is such a good friend. Going with Scarlett to look for colleges across the country! What a cutie!:)

So this chapter was mostly about Harry and Scarlett's relationship. How close they are as friends. Also I introduced Addi, Scarlett's girl best friend.

By the way, Louis, Scarlett's older brother, is based of Louis Tomlinson. So her name is Scarlett Tomlinson.

I hope you like the story so far!:)


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