Chapter 1

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Just waking up on a normal Friday morning, My alarm going off at 6:30 a.m. My mom comes in and says " Get up for breakfast Cassie it is ready and shut off that damn alarm". I got all dressed and makeup and hair done, trying to be polite for when I go downstairs because I want to ask my mom about this party. She is sometimes strict about going to party's.

Being at the table I say " Ma can I go to this party wit Trevor wit a couple of people it's only for a few hours"? She said "umm let's see no". I was like alright, but I know I'm sneaking the hell out.

I was walking to school and Trevor comes running to me and picking me up, kissing me all over. He said " Hi my Gorgeous, here is something for you! ". He got me a gold necklace with my name and a rose, I said " Awe My love ". He had a huge smirk and kissed me.

At lunch I was standing there trying to act cute and saying I'm going to pick Trevor up at 8 for that party. He looks at me and says " Wear something tight my beautiful, so I can see you under it after because I will want to ", I say " iight ".

Walking to my work after school with my friends and they were like " so I heard you and Trevor today about the party, looks like you guys will be making love tonight! ". In my head I was saying of course! I just couldn't stop thinking about him and everything about tonight!

My mom is in bed and thinks I'm in bed, I get up and start getting ready. I'm putting on my Dark blue tight dress with my black heels, hoop earrings , and my hair all straightened. I made sure I did my makeup the way he liked it! There was two more things I had to bring a little smoke and liquor.

Alright, going out my window down the ladder and just walk right to Trevor's. It was 8:10 p.m and he was already outside, but he wasn't mad that I was late. He says " You look fresh my baby girl ", I said " You look fresh my boo " and then we were just making out.

We arrive at the party and it was fucking turnt as fuck, there were like a good 400 people. I gave the smoke and liquor to Trevor and people were dapping us up. Good 10 people were smoking and drinking with us. Me and Trevor were having a good ass time. Then I heard " Yo Cassie " it was Trevor he wanted me to come up stairs with him.

I was going up stairs and he takes me in a huge room with a king size bed. There were rose petals all over the bed and room with music. I just start saying " You did this all for me "? He says " Of course why wouldn't I "? We just start making out. He grabs me and we had sex.

It was like 3:30 a.m and we were sitting on the bed, he said " close your eyes........ Now open ". We both started laughing and it was chocolate covered strawberries, he was feeding them to me. Then adding whipped cream in my mouth. I know my mom was going to kill me but I told him " I'm glad I'm here I want to be with you because I..... Love You! He said "I love you more then you know!

That was the last thing we said that night because we went right back to having sex again. I sneaked to home at like 10 a.m, but it didn't really matter because it was Saturday anyways. My mother said " where the hell have you been, I was worried sick ". I said " I went for a run early, I woke up at like 6".

She actually believed me and so did my dad. I went to my room and talked to Trevor and was telling him how much I thought that was the most romantic night! Trevor said his too, the next day which was Sunday I cuddled with him the whole day and went home. I loved spending the whole weekend with just him!

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