Chapter 3

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Knocking on the door the next morning there came a shout of Dwarvish inside. A smirk to tug at her lips as they cursed at the 'Elf' beyond the door, only to open and realize, "Apologies, milady," Bumbur spoke with a slight bow.

She felt more amused than insulted. "It is alright. Are you ready?"

The Dwarves cleaned up rather nicely, even attempting to comb out their thick hair as it flowed over their shoulders and their braids were redone and neatly in place. She had done the same, only clipping back half of the hair with a wooden hairpiece from Radagast, as the braid of her line was on display and held by a bead on the right hand side, as the rest of the flowing locks tumbled down her back in loose waves.

"Now, behave," she ordered them quietly.

"We will if they do," Glóin spoke gruffly as they rounded the corner.

"I know you're not particularly fond of them, but we are here for a reason. Fighting won't do any good."

They made their way outside and down a stone path, the bright sun shining down on them as a circle of chairs came into view. Surrounding a small stone table in the center. Few had gathered already, Men from distant lands. Two she recognized, eyes landing on the one with fair hair, gray eyes, and a square jaw. He, she knew, would be a problem. It had been years since they last saw each other, and wouldn't be surprised if he didn't recognize her. Besides, back when he was still a child he only concerned himself with swordplay and 'conquering' enemies around Gondor. Rather than worry about little girls and foreign affairs. But she knew of his father, and did not exactly approve of their involvement in the world of Men.

"Milady," Gimli spoke lowly, turning to see Lord Elrond making his way towards them.

"When was the last time I saw your face wandering these halls?" he questioned with a smile.

"Far too long, my friend," she answered with one of her own. "These are my companions, Glóin son of Gróin, Gimli son of Glóin, and Bumbur son of Bofur."

He turned towards the three, who held their heads high. "Welcome to my home," the lord greeted. "I hope that you will feel at home here during your stay and thank you for traveling so swiftly. I wasn't sure any of you would be attending at all."

"King Dáin and myself nearly didn't receive the message. It was... lost a few times before making its way into the Great Hall."

"Indeed," he answered, cocking a brow in mild amusement. "I will be sure to send the raven directly to you the next time."

"Yes, be sure too."

Extending a hand they entered the circle to choose a seat, the men growing quiet to observe their new arrivals. All rather surprised to find a woman amongst Dwarves. And one standing heads taller than them.

"What are they staring at?" Glóin huffed.

"Obviously us," she answered.

And their interests piqued further upon hearing the Dwarves tongue come through her lips. There were Elves now that began to join them, looking over the Men before setting on the Dwarves with clear distaste. Yet somehow they managed to hold their tongues, sitting down.

"They are from Gondor and Rohan. And probably have never come face to face with a Dwarf before. They are curious."

"They should mind their own business," Gimli spoke gruffly, sitting.

Her head shook, spotting a man with dark hair as their eyes met. Surprise couldn't begin to describe what she felt upon seeing him, his expression mirroring hers as well. He nodded in greeting, sitting in the nearest chair by the men from Gondor. The Ranger from the North – Strider. She stumbled upon him by chance on a hunting party with Dáin, Hakhor, and Dwalin decades ago. They had been hunting a boar when the two of them came to face each other, his sword drawn along with her ax. It didn't take long to realize that neither posed a threat. It wasn't the last time they would see each other during her travels to other lands to keep relations with other lords and rulers. And it was honestly odd seeing Strider in Elven clothing and so well groomed. But her attention pulled away from him moments later when noticing a gray pointed hat walking down the path.

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