Chapter 5

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Legolas came to find an odd sight the next morning, up at dawn and walking around Lord Elrond's home. It caused him to pause in his walk to stop and stare. The Dwarves were sleeping outside yet were offered a lavish room, but it shouldn't have surprised him. They were never grateful beings. The Elf went to leave when noticing a bushy set of dark hair peeking over one of the pillows. Linnéa. Why on earth would she join them?

Because she's a Dwarf.

He left without a word.

The young woman's eyes opened, head tipping back to watch as the blonde Elf left causing her head to shake and stand up. They were leaving today and she needed to prepare a few more items before leaving. And she had to write to Dáin.

Around mid-morning Linnéa and the Dwarves made their way to the gates of Rivendell. Others had already gathered to see the company off and more were trickling in.

"Yer sure ya have everything?" Glóin asked.

"Everything," Linnéa confirmed. "And our weapons are sharp as ever. I will be sure it stays that way." She placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "We will be alright, Glóin. Both of us have been trained by the best warriors in Erebor and when this is all over we'll return home with peace of mind."

"I still don't like it..." he grumbled.

Linnéa smiled. "I know. But someone has to be sure the Ring does not fall into the wrong hands."

They shared a knowing smile.

My King,

It was as we feared. The Ring of Power has surfaced and we stand on the brink of war. After much deliberation and bickering the Council have managed to come to an agreement. This matter cannot be overlooked and hope to go away. It must be fate that the Ring has come into the possession of my kin. Gimli and I cannot allow him to go through this journey alone.

The company from Erebor embraced sharing their goodbyes before Gimli and Linnéa went to stand beside the others as Lord Elrond approached.

"The Ring-bearer is setting out on a quest to Mount Doom," the Elf Lord announced. "You who travel with him no bond nor oath is laid to go farther than you may. Farewell, hold to your purpose, may the blessings of Elves, Men, and Free Folk go with you."

We will not be returning to Erebor anytime soon. This is our decision so please do not be too hard on Glóin and Bumbur. They tried to stop me, at least, but you know I get my stubbornness from my father. I can't sit by and do nothing.

"The Fellowship awaits the Ring-bearer," Gandalf stated. All looked to the Hobbit as he turned, walking through them towards the road ahead as they followed.

The road will not be easy from here on out, and that goes for the Misty Mountains as well. Take precautions. There will be Orcs in every land and our list of allies grows fewer and fewer. Do not trust Saruman if he seeks your help. We have learned that he has turned a blind eye to the greater good. All you can do is trust those in Erebor and Dale. But there will be others looking for your aid in their greatest time of need so please be compassionate to those less fortunate and placed in the crossfires that are seeking refuge.

Linnéa looked to her Councilmen and nodded in reassurance before following after Gimli.

I will see you when there is finally peace and only hope that Erebor is spared.


They left the comforts of Rivendell behind them before the surrounding mountains expanded into the Wild. The Hobbits were in absolute wonder at the sight of the rolling hills, high mountains with white capped peaks, and vast valleys that stretched for miles. They passed few structures that were abandoned and decaying, lost stone outposts that became nothing more than a memory. And as they continued with Gandalf at the head of their company he stated,

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