That Strange Man

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Page 1: Five deaths, Westfield Street

Page 2: Three deaths, Third Avenue

Page 3: Seven deaths, Fifth Avenue

These were the contents of Marie's portfolio, which Harry held in his left hand, coffee in his right.

"This is all?" He took a sip of his drink and pinned Marie with his icy blue eyes.

"Yes, Harry, but remember that they're recent killings." Marie replied. Murder jarred her, and she wanted to forget about it. After all, she was on vacation.

"Either it's the lack of evidence, Marie, or your lack of intelligence." Harry leaned back in his recliner.

"Okay, Harry. But it's not only the forensics who work. You have to contribute too." With that, Marie gathered her belongings and stormed out.

"I expect an updated report by tomorrow." Harry's authoritative voice called.

"Goodbye, Harry." Marie yelled back, and left with a bang. His ignorance will make him fail.

Trying to forget her assignment, Marie walked home, only stopping to embrace the dying fall leaves.

Climbing up a hill, she suddenly felt a warmth. Marie saw a man ahead, no taller than her with his black coat billowing behind, which slapped her face violently as he passed. He pushed past Marie, who felt something escaping her grasp. Holding her portfolio close, she watched the man flying down the hill.

Shaking her head, Marie checked to see if she had all her belongings and walked to her house, a small fixture on Hill Street, and found the door unlocked. That's weird. I remember locking it this morning... Marie walked in and finds a piece of paper on the wall, with "call me" written in Detective Anastasia's scrawl. Maybe she knew what was happening?

Sighing, Marie walked to her bed in one corner of the room and climbed in. She decided to sleep on this mystery, as she had done with so many before. It always works, Marie thought, and drifted off restlessly, thinking about what Anastasia wanted to tell her.

Deductions: AssassinationWhere stories live. Discover now