chapter 10

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Writers note: okay sooo I was thinking of adding some more recent events like moira, doomfist, brigitte, and wrecking ball but I want your honest opinion if I should soo plz comment if u want something like that into this book or nah.

Gabe's POV

Jack was enjoying his night just as I planned but a little too much if I say so myself like for instance I didn't know he liked Taylor Swift but the moment she was played on the radio he let loose and fucking sang his heart out. It would be such a shame if someone had recorded him for future purposes if u know what I'm getting at....

Jack and Gabe were having the time of they're lives while Ana basically became the babysitter for the night. but she didn't mind she was happy that Jack found someone in his life that wouldn't leave him or reject him for who he was.

When Gabe and Jack arrived at the next location Gabe had planned for the evening Jack suddenly sobered up a little to notice that they stopped at a kink store.

Gabe what are we doing here? Jack asked a little embarrassed.
"Well if u must know cariño I thought about it for a little before I asked you out tonight but we have had our "flings" as I would call it but never a true passonite night together" Gabe said with pride.
Jack was blushing red now at the thought of someone buying this for a "passonite" night.
"Okay we can have a passionate night Gabe but I don't want this to turn into something out of fifty shades of grey here" Jack said.
Oh so u have read that book?
"That not the point Gabe"jack said.

"Well we are not leaving until you buy at least something for me and I buy something for you" Gabe said.


With that they both walk in there with lucky for them no one else inside but themselves. Gabe thinks long and hard about what to get for Jack while Jack just takes the first thing he sees and ends up buying a large lube bottle that smells of lavender. Finally Gabe ends up buying a bluetooth vibrator for Jack just to have some fun with him every once and awhile.
(Srry never been in a kink shop if that what they are called I just assumed that's what they carry lmao😂)

After they pay for their items they head back into the car where Ana was waiting for them.
So boys what did you get for each other? She said in a giddish tone.

"Nothing of your concern Ana" Jack said.
"Something fun to play with" Gabe said.
Jack faced showed embarrassment because he has never done this in his life and he felt a little grossed out by it, but in the end he was relieved of it.

"Well where are going now my bruting edgelord?" Jack said to his lover. Now we go to our final destination and not a moment too soon either it's almost time.

Jack was confused with what Gabe had said and a little worried what it might be, but he put his thoughts aside knowing that it wasn't going to literally kill him and he kind of felt exicted for it.

Well then my darknight leas the way and with that Ana started the car and drove into the nearby city with all its colorful lights and breathtaking views.

Ana drove Jack and Gabe for a good 10 minutes into the city and they finally stopped at a tuxedo store.

Gabe said for Jack to wait there while he got his suit and Jack's since earlier before the date they needed their suits for a Overwatch commison party ( and for something else☺).

After they pick up their tuxes Gabe tells Jack he has one more final surprise that will effect their whole lives. Jack suddenly got a little worried because the way it sounded it didn't sound too good.

However though Jack pressed on and he had his phone in order to call his team in case something went wrong.
Ana starts the car up again and only goes a few blocks before they reach a a 24 hour Church.

Jack was confused why they ended up here as the final surprise but Gabe said to follow him. Hesitantly Jack follows and before they enter the hall Gabe leads Jack to the bathroom to change into the tuxes that Gabe had gotten earlier.

Gabe are we here for someone's wedding or something? Jack said.
Well we are here for a wedding but it's for two lovers that everyone found out about and one of them is gonna purpose to the other in a about a few minutes. Gabe said.
Okay so why aren't we in there? Jack said. "Well you were chosen as the best man" Gabe said.
What about you? Jack asked.
"That is to be discussed later but Ana will fill in as the father/mother that escorts the bride" Gabe said.
With that final note Jack heads towards the else.

When Jack opens the doors he sees everyone and they are all smiling and he just acts normally walking towards the podium but notices that he is the only other person there and Reinhardt.

As usual he is very happy but for some reason he is more exicted then usual. "I guess he is really happy about these to people getting married" Jack says to himself.

Then after Jack gets into the place where reinhardt tells him to stand the doors open up and in comes Gabe being escorted by Ana.

Jack is now more confused then ever but then it finally hits him
The to lovers that everyone finds about them is Gabe and himself and that meant... Gabe was gonna purpose to Jack.

Jack had butterflies in his stomach and he was really nervous but also super exicted that he was gonna spend the rest of his life with the man he loves.

So you ready to change your life forever commander Morrison? Gabe said.
I'm always ready commander Reyes are you? Jack said.
"Always ready"Gabe said.

After each other gave there vows Ana pulled out the two rings with both there initals enscibed into it with the
Message saying:

No matter the distance we will always be one

Do you Gabriel Reyes take Jack Morrison to be your loving husband through sickness and heath and forever more?

I do.

And do you Jack Morrison take Gabriel Reyes to be your loving husband through sickness and heath and forever more?

I do.

With this I now pronounce you both husband and husband your may now kiss your partner.

With those words Jack and Gabe both passionately kissed each other other knowing that both there lives have finally change forever more.

Well guys I hope you really enjoyed this chapter and don't worry this does not mean the book is over but it means that I have a lot planned for the coming up chapters so stay tuned and also almost 9k reads u guys have blown my mind with the amount of love you guys have shown. So until next chapter.


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