Chapter 3- I Hate You

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Nadia POV

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME MOM!?!?!?" I scream through the phone, scaring my taxi driver. 

"What my dear?" My mom nonchalantly asks.

"YOU INVOLVED ME WITH THE FUCKING MAFIA?!!?!" Terror and panic dripping from my voice. 

The cab driver nervously fidgets, so I cover the speaker part of my phone, lean forward and lie, "sorry, I'm practicing for an audition! I'm running my lines with my manager." He nods his head, breathing out a sigh of relief. 

'Yeah, wish I could feel the same.' 

I hand him my money as I jump out of the cab, and run into the hotel I'm staying at. 

"Baby, I told you that they were dangerous men. They killed your father, you knew what you were getting into."

"Mom I didn't know you wanted me to infiltrate the fucking Italian, American, and Russian mafia. I thought you wanted me to just get close to some guy, and then dump him." My voice is loud again now that I'm back in the privacy of my room.

My mom laughs in a tone that makes me shudder. "Now, what good would that do?" 

I shake my head in disbelief at my mother's behavior. "You know, Dad wouldn't have wanted this. He would've wanted me to be safe, go to school, have a normal life."

"Don't you dare act like you know what your father would've wanted. He died, trying to take them out. You are his daughter, you are the person to carry on his legacy. That family took away everything from me, then killed my husband, leaving me a single mom with a newborn."

"I'm sorry mom, I just...I just don't want to do this. I want to come home."

"Nadia, you do this or else I will pick your things, and disown you."

I gasp at my mother cruelness. 'I've got to agree to buy myself some time to come up with a plan,' I think

Sighing into the phone, I pretend to give into her demands, "okay mom, I love you. I'll go by his favorite cafe tomorrow, I'm sure he'll be there."

"Good girl, I love you honey," My mom says, hanging up before I can say anything back. 

Staring at the ended call on phone screen, my anger takes over.

 "I hate you, mother."

I slip out of my dress, take off my jewelry, and climb into bed. 

The last thing I picture before I fall asleep, is that gorgeous face belonging to that dangerous man, Dante Jr. 

Dante Jr POV

"Fuck, I fucked up mom!" I'm pacing around the kitchen.

"Well, I mean did you really think inviting her to a mafia gathering was the best idea?" My mom rolls her eyes at my stupidness.

"I just thought she'd be another notch in my bedpost, but seeing her walk through that door tonight, it knocked the air out of my lungs. My heart sped up, I got nervous, I was lost in her eyes, in her beauty. I realized it when she was already at the party, she's my dream girl."

My mom claps her hands together, staring off into the distance with a dreamy look.

"Ugh, I remember when I met your father. He was in his office, and I was sneaking up on him. He already knew I was watching him," she giggles.

"Mom, that doesn't help me."

"Well if you'd let me finish," she retorts. I gesture for her to continue.

"Anyways, I knew he was a dangerous man, he even told me he was the leader of the mafia on our first date. But he made me feel safe, he made me feel like a queen, he made sure he showed his soft side to me. You need to show her that, yes you might be a very powerful and dangerous man, but you value those close to you, and would never hurt anyone you care about."

I smile like the momma's boy I am, "thanks mom, you always know what to say."

She smirks, shrugging her shoulders, "what can I say? I am pretty great."

"Yes you are, mio amore," My father says, walking into the kitchen. 

"Ugh, are mom and dad being horny teenagers again?" Caterina rolls her eyes, following in my father.

"CATERINA, language! How do you even know what horny means?" My father's furious, clenching his fist by his sides. I laugh in my head, I might be a momma's boy, but she is my dad's little princess, I almost feel bad for her. 

"Dad, I grew up with three older brothers, and I'm 16," Cat nonchalantly explains, before changing the subject, "so, cake cutting time yet?" 

As I'm about to nod my head yes, there's a knock on the door. "Must be Stefan, coming for cake, I'll get it," I annoyingly walk to the door.

My annoyance grows, when Stefan, Rosa, and Lorenzo all push past me without a word. "Sorry bud, your father told us to come." Roman explains.

Despite the chocolate cake being absolutely delicious, I sit there, not eating it, distracted. 'How do I get her back?'

As if my mother can read my thoughts, she bends down and whispers, "don't worry so much, I'll help you win her over."

I smile, and grab my mom's hand that's resting on my shoulder. 

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