Chapter 24- Serious Whiplash

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Dante Jr POV

I lay awake in the uncomfortable hospital bed, and all I want is to see my girl. I've been in and out of sleep for two days now. When I'm awake I allow my parents and Caterina to visit, but I warned my men that if I saw them here I would kill them. They should be working endlessly to get back my daughter, not here checking in on me.
"Ah, good you're awake!" The doctor enters my room.
I just nod.
"Well let's check your vitals and if you're stable, I see no reason why you can't leave here today."
I let the nurses do everything they're supposed to do.
"Hey doc, how's my fiancée and baby?"
"I'm afraid there's no change with her. The prenatal specialist believes that at this point, the baby is alive and healthy.."
I start to smile at the news before he stops me.
"However, the baby is only about 11 weeks old at this point. Not even 3 months old. So if she were to start crashing, the baby isn't old enough that we could remove it and put it in the incubator. If she doesn't make it, the baby won't either. I just want you to be ready for every scenario."
Right then, he gets paged, looking down he says, "I'm going to discharge you, a nurse will come by, give you discharge papers, more information on your injuries, and your medications."
After the nurse goes through everything with me, I call my parents and tell them everything, before I crutch over to the waiting room on Nadia's side of the hospital.
Dr. Jones comes and sits next to me, "she's finally up, would you like to see her?"
I nod quickly.
Dr Jones laughs before warning me, "She is very bruised and cut up, I just wanted to warn you on how severe it looks."

"Hi baby," She croaks. I grab her hand as I sit down in the chair next to her bed.
I smile.
"Hi my beautiful girl."
"How are you?" Her concern is apparent in her question.
Shaking my head I answer, "I'm fine, just a few broken bones. What I want to know is how you and that baby are?"
My face is breaking in sadness.

 What I want to know is how you and that baby are?"My face is breaking in sadness

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Nadia gives me a small grin, I can tell she's in pain.
"Well I've got serious whiplash," she tries to joke.
I chuckle at her attempt to lighten the mood.
"Hey guys," Dr. Collins voice enters the room, "I was called by the prenatal doctor here, and asked if I could perform an ultrasound as a guest doctor. I thought we should check on the little baby."
"That's so thoughtful of you, doc. Thanks," I gratefully tell her.
Once the cool, blue gel is rubbed on Nadia's stomach, she puts the tool on her belly and starts rubbing it around.

Nadia and I are both holding our breaths silently. 'Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.'
I can't contain my happiness when I hear the baby's heartbeat.
"Looks like the baby is alive and well. Strong heartbeat, this baby is a tough one. If the accident was as bad as they say, you two got very lucky. You've got a little survivor in there!"
A proud smile crosses my face, "of course, he's a Constantino!"
Nadia rolls her eyes and scoffs, "you're so sure it's a boy!"

"I know, call it a hunch. I just know it's a boy this time."

*Authors Note:

Phew Nadia and the baby are okay! I wasn't sure how I was going to play this one out. I was so relieved when I chose this way. Sorry for the short chapter, but I wanted to get it out. Next chapter, Nadia's tough side is going to show itself.

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