Chapter 6- They are Good

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Nadia POV

I wake up, still on a high from last night. Dante was amazing, I just wanted more and more of him, but I knew I would have to be careful. I know he's a playboy, but I can't help but feel he's genuine about me.

After a shower, I call my mom, leaving her a voicemail when she doesn't answer.

"Mom, I'm not doing this. I'm not going to help you. These people are nice, and kind. They are good, unlike you. You can get your revenge on your own, I'm done being a pawn in your game."

I destroy my phone so that she can't contact me anymore. I know it'll be a matter of time before she gets the voicemail and cuts me off, so I need to act fast.

To save time, I skip the shower, and run to pick up the most important things I can. First, I paid for another two months of the hotel I'm staying at. Second, I ran and got a new cell phone. And third, I bought a bunch of canned goods, to stock up on food.

Back in my hotel room, I programmed Dante's number into my contacts, as well as Mr. and Mrs. Constantinos numbers. The only three numbers I had.

I felt lonely, I mean, I had just cut off my mother, so I decide to text Dante:

Me: Hey it's Nadia. I lost my phone so here's my new number :)

Dante: Hey beautiful, I was just thinking about you. My father was lecturing me on needing a queen to rule beside me, and I thought of you, of course.

Me: LOL you flatter me Constantino.

Dante: I'm serious! What are you doing right now?

Me: Nothing, feeling kind of lonely. Help a girl out?

Dante: I'll always help you out, come on over!

Me: Okay :) See you in an hour!

I quickly get ready in the nicest outfit I can pull together. I look in the mirror and nod my approval. 'Okay let's do this!'

Dante Jr. POV

I hear the doorbell ring, and instantly get nervous.

Running downstairs, I see Maria let my beautiful girl in.

"Hello Nadia" I say, still walking down the stairs.

"Hello Dante, thank you for the date last night. It was lovely."

"Well, like I said, I'll show you the world, if you let me." I smirk.

"Considering the rumors I've heard about you, I think I'll wait and see about that." Nadia retorts back.

"Ah...okay. You see, love...that was before I met you. Now that I have, I'm a changed man."

"Ah. I guess we shall see. Anyways, wanna go to a club tonight?" she asks.

"Well you're outfit may get me in a fight tonight, but that's a risk I'm willing to take," I joke before taking her hand in mine and leading her inside to pre game for the club.

An hour later we arrive at one of my parent's club, cutting the line and getting right in. I chuckle as Nadia tugs on my shirt, whispering, "hey, aren't we supposed to wait in line..."

I grab her, and push her agains the wall of the dark entrance. "Baby, when will you realize that I'm a very important person. I own this country, stay with me, and I'll show you just what that really means."

I kiss her cheek, and drag her back into the club. 

Rosa pulled Nadia to the bar, making her take shots together. The family already likes the girl, and that's great, cause I plan on keeping her around. 

Several drinks later, our group of friends are all dancing to the DJ's house mix. I slowly approach Nadia as if she's my prey. We are face to face, with little distance between us. I grab her, pulling her closer, demolishing any space left, and hold her by the hips. Swaying to the beat, I can feel my pants tighten as she's dancing up onto me. Quickly getting turned on, I move my hands up and down her curves, causing her eyes to light up with lust. 

I lean down and growl into her ear, "let's get out of here." Biting her lip, she nods slowly.

We bust through the front door, making out intensely. I pick her up and carry her to my large room, throwing her onto the bed, and climbing on top of her. She pulls off my shirt, and I can see her checking out my toned body. Yanking off her shirt, my lips leave hers, and I move my way down her body, leaving a trail of wet kisses. 

Her back arches, and she moans, giving me permission to strip off her pants and panties. I look up to her eyes, waiting for her go ahead to move on further. When she nods her head, I slip my fingers slowly into her. 

"Holy shit Nadia, you're so tight," I growl.

Pumping my fingers in and out of her, I circle her clit with my thumb. Her gasp makes me smile as I make out again with her. All of a sudden, Nadia pushes me off of her forcefully. 

Instantly, I sober up. Worried I had done something wrong I plead, "Nadia, baby, what's wrong? Did I do something you didn't like?"

Tears form into her eyes, and she jumps up and pulls her clothes back on. 

"Nadia, talk to me, baby. What did I do?!"

Instead of answering, she just mumbles, "I've got to go," and runs to the door. I'm frozen in my spot, unable to process that I just pushed her away. She just ran away from me, I frightened her. And now, I will never get her back. 

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