In the Darkness

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I'm sure I had raised my voice more then I intended too, but damn. Her freaking out was getting on my nerves and making me lose focus.

"Why the fuck am I thinking about that now?! The freaking wall are closing up on us, focus Sellina! For gods sake!"

Without really realizing, my hands had started to search the wall frenetically for any signs of an answer. My green orbs quickly landing on a dusty part of the wall I hadn't clean off.
Weird, I thought I had cleaned the hole wall..
At least I think I did?.. Who the fuck cares anyway?!?
Without giving it much thought, I passed my hand over the dust, making an Ring symbol stand out.
An symbol of an red ring, that's our way out!

-Leila look out for an ring symbol!-

-Why do you wanna search for symbols now?!-

-For fucks sake, JUST DO WHAT I SAID!-

From the corner of my eyes I saw Leila start to also search frenetically, you could basically sense her nerves from far away. That made me even more uncomfortable and nervous, we needed to find that symbol, and fast!
We are not about to die here, not under my watch.
I'm not letting that happen.

-I found it!-
Oh thanks to whatever god is out there.
My head snapped over in Leila's direction, shinny eyes following her brown ones only to see the symbol.
It looked hella familiar now that I think about it, but that's not what's important!

-Press the fucking thing!-

As the walls were mere meters away from squishing us, they simply stoped dead on their tracks.
A sigh of relief left my lips, one that I didn't even know I had been holding.
Leila sighed out too, before leaning her head back and resting it on the wall.
That just shows how fucking close we were from dying.

-That's was, way too fucking close-

I giggled breathless, a smirk forming on my lips rather quickly, like we just hadn't escaped an death situation.

-Admit it, it was fun-

Ah, there it is. The "You can't be fucking serious with me" face we all love.
Before she could actually start lecturing me about being "careless", the ground started to shake and soon it started to give out making both of us fall down.
A loud yelp escaped my lips, my eyes closing as I prepared myself for the impact that was coming, but nothing ever came.
A loud yell and a huff sounded, and that was what made me open my eyes in confusion. The last time I checked the ground wasn't capable of making sounds.
Forcing my eyes open, I was meet with another pair of bright green orbs.
It took me a minute to realize I had landed right on top of Sonic, because I mean...WHY THE FUCK NOT?!
Even here he seems to be following me.

"With so many people I could have bumped, or rather fallen into, why does it HAVE, to beHIM?!"

As if on point, Sonic's dazed eyes looked up at me in confusion and much deserved shock.
I mean, who wouldn't?!
What would your reaction be if someone random girl just fell on top of you out of nowhere?
As I finally snapped out of my train of thoughts, I couldn't help but noticed Sonic's muzzle turning slightly red.
And here I was trying to keep an straight face and not panic at the fact I was literally laying on top of him.

-God damn Sellina, I knew you liked me, but I didn't expect you to fall this hard for me-

-Oh for gods sake Sonic-
I could help but role my eyes at the corny pickup line, my body desperately trying to fight against the smile that wanted to pass my lips.
Without waiting another second I forced myself up, trying to get of the other hedgehog as soon as possible. Well, that was my plan until I felt something or rather someone grabbing my waist in place. My eyes quickly shot down, hands ready to pry at whatever was holding me in place. That was until I noticed Sonic was the one holding me in place, his hands tightly warped around my waist, fingers digging  lightly into my skin. His touch was soft yet commanding, almost as if he didn't want to hurt me but at the same time keep me in place. I could feel my breath start to get heavier, eyes once again snapping up, this time laced with curiosity. The few seconds we made eye contact seemed to last for hours, the atmosphere heating up drastically.

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