//Chapter 4//

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~Alexis POV~

My maids help me into a red lace skater dress and red flats. I head down for lunch and take my seat next to Iris. 

Lunch finishes quickly and the Prince is first to leave. All of the girls slowly forward out as well. I make my way to what I think is the front doors of the castle. I can see the large golden doors ahead and the Prince leaning on the wall next to it. My shoulders lower in relief and I make my way to him. 

He takes my hand and kisses it. "Thank you for accompanying me to the gardens." I blush slightly. "The pleasure's all mine your majesty." "Please just call me Drew." "Okay, Drew?" He smiles and guides us both through the stunning gardens. We end up near the lake on a wooden bench. It's nearly sunset so it looks amazing. "Wow, Drew, this is beautiful." I say barely audible. He grabs my chin and directs my head to face him. I divert my view from the lake to his perfect face.

"It's not as beautiful as you Lady Alexis." I blush and face my lap. He tilts my head upwards and leans to my face. I find myself leaning forward as well. 

"I'm sorry to interrupt your majesty." A guard says awkwardly. We spring apart both blushing and looking around awkwardly. "There were groups of rebels spotted at the gates your majesty, you and lady.....uh...." He squints at my name tag then says my name. "And Lady Alexis need to head to the safe room immediately." Drew nods then stands. "Lady Alexis I need you to go with officer Shane Leger to the safe room." I didn't need to be told twice, the guard and I run inside and into an underground room. I spot Iris, trying to calm Lily and Pandora, but failing miserably. Pandora and Lily are both weeping their eyeballs out. I try to calm them down then the door opens. Drew casually walks in as if everything were calm. All of the royal family relax.

He makes his way towards us. "Lady Pandora and Lily, I need you both to calm down. I just did a round of the palace and there are no more rebels." he grabs their hands as he says this and they both stop crying and blush. He turns to me and has a sad look on his face. "I'm sorry that this attack happened during our date." He kisses my hand then walks over to his family. 

Iris has a smirk and an amused look on her face. "So....you had a date huh?" "Maybe." "I was right there, next to you when he said that. I'm not that stupid." 'I was going to tell you, I promise." "Mhmmm sure you were." She turns to Pandora again with a smirk plastered on her face.

A few hours later it's time for dinner. I wear a simple black skater dress then head downstairs.

I see the prince eyeing me so I turn to face him. he mouths 'Can I see you later?' I nod and turn to the food that was just served.

After dinner I head out of the hall. I walk to my room quickly and sit down on the edge of my bed. seconds later there's a knock on the door.

"Come in." The prince enters and then closes the door lightly. He takes a seat next to me on my bed. "I'm so sorry that the attack happened." "You shouldn't apologise, I mean, it's not like you could have stopped it." "I guess you're right but I feel bad." He sighs. I face my lap and focus on my intwined fingers. He grabs my chin and turns my face to face him. I stare into his mystical brown eyes.

Before I even know it, his lips are on mine. I close my eyes then snake my arms around his neck. He smiles into the kiss then wraps his arms around my waist. when we run out of breath we pull away, both breathing heavily. He smiles at me and I do the same. "I would love to stay here but I'm afraid i have to go now." I walk  with him to the door and just before he leaves, he turns to me again and gives me a quick kiss. He waves goodbye then I close the door.

Not bothered to change, I slump onto my bed replaying that magical moment over and over in my head.

 (A.N):I'm sorry that its really short but i promise i will update soon.

I'm going overseas so I will try to update quick.

-Pandas are amazing

vote~comment~message~~~~If you want


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