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A few days pass without much happening. My leg seemed to heal very fast, making it easier for Yonghoon to leave and work with his group. He checked in often and the other members passed notes through him or through texting me. 

As soon as I could walk without crutches, I followed Yonghoon to practice. The groups were very happy to have me back and they were on me like leeches. After about a gazillion hugs from the members, I got to sit down and listen to some of the new content that the groups had produced. They kept me excited and held my attention, something that I hadn't really been able to keep after the incident. So, things were back on schedule for me, working on random stuff and going to practices and events to watch sometimes. 

As the days wore on, I felt myself getting closer and closer to Leedo but I retained the same level of closeness with my other friends and the staff to not cause issues. Again, the staff was insistent on having the two groups stage ready and they planned another stage for the end of the week so the groups could practice. As I was watching the MAS Closer stage, I noticed that the RBW boys had disappeared. The second I had noticed, I heard rustling from behind me. 

"So (y/n)..." Keonhee started.

"now that you're better...." Gunmin added.

 "would you perform..." said Youngjo said next.

"Go, on stage with us?" Hwanwoong finished. 

"Please?" Leedo and Dongju pleaded. They all gave me puppy dog eyes, which made it hard to take the situation seriously. 

Leedo spoke quietly, "You're really good!" 

I growled at him, "You told them didn't you..." He shrunk back into the seat. 

I knew he was going to tell them that as soon as I could really walk nicely, I'd been practicing Go. The RBW boys had polished up the dance without me but had left a hole where I could come back if I wanted to after my injury healed. I had sent my comments and videos of my part to Leedo, just happy with my progress. 

I looked at the pleading boys behind me and sighed, "Okay, I'll perform" They cheered.

On stage, I felt so energized. I finally knew how it felt to be somewhat of a kpop star. Of course, this was only a practice and only the staff and MAS were in the audience but still. It was all I needed. Leedo walked past me to his spot and squeezed my hand, smiling. As the music started up I looked at all my friends around me, ready to execute their passion and I felt a rush of pride flow through my body. I set on performing my best.

And I did, the performance went extremely well. I mastered any of the sections I had trouble with before and only had small slip-ups on extreme detail. 

As we finished, I noticed the CEO of RBW at the back of the venue, watching us. He clapped along with the other audience as the RBW boys and I bowed. "And who are you, miss performer?" He gestured toward me. 

"I'm (y/n), Yonghoon's little sister." 

He looked from me to Yonghoon and then back at me. "Seems about right" he nodded, "Why didn't Yonghoon tell me how good of a performer you were? You'd make an amazing Kidol!" 

He looked around quickly and placed his hand on the side of his mouth so the staff of the other side couldn't see what he said. "It's not like we're looking or anything," he said winking. 

I laughed, "I'll take it into consideration sir" 

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