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I looked down at the bedspread in front of me and almost screamed. 

I couldn't move my legs, and it wasn't just my cat or my dog. 

"Eomma?" I called out into the darkness. 

No one answered. 


No one. 


I heard movement this time.

Thank goodness Yonghoon was only one door over instead of two. He came to the door and opened it, "(y/n), what's up, it's like 3....." 

He trailed off gasping at the sight in front of him. He ran into the room and turned on the light by my bedside table, "How?" 

I couldn't answer, but kept crying, I couldn't move at all. The fan and light fixture above my bed had fallen onto my legs, one more than the other. 

"Can you wait a second so I get get the parents?" Yonghoon said, already headed towards the door. I nodded, trying to wish away the pain. 

Not even 30 seconds later he was back into my room with Abeoji, who immediately helped take the fixture off of my legs. Eomma appeared a minute later with a first aid kit and and rushed over it me. 

After a second of assessing the injury, we found that I could move one out of two of my legs. The opposing leg I couldn't move without extreme pain. Using Yonghoon as a crutch, I limped out the door and towards the car. 

At the hospital at around 4 in the morning, I gained crutches and a brace, stabilizing for my hurt leg. That afternoon there was going to be practice for RBW and MAS but instead of going, Yonghoon stayed home with me, helping out when I needed to move around and get things. By the time practice would have ended, Yonghoon got a phone call. He made sure I was okay and then left the room to take the call.

He came back a minute later with Cya, Dongmyeong, Dongju, and Gunmin following on his heels. They all crowded around me and sat down in the living room. Dongmyeong took my right side and Leedo took my left. Out of habit and because it was my dominant side, I hugged Dongmyeong first and then turned to Leedo. I hugged him lightly, being careful of my bad leg and laid my head on his chest. He stroked my head once before letting me get out of his arms, not wanting to make a huge scene in front of all the members. 

Cya was the first one to break the silence, "So, what did happen?" 

I sighed, "Well...."

As the visit came to an end, Yonghoon had Cya follow him upstairs to get a piece of music and the other members left out the front door. Of course, Leedo insisted on leaving last, making sure I was okay. 

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked, putting a hand on my shoulder. I nodded, looking up into his eyes. He smiled and moved his hand slightly, looking down and picking up a piece of hair off my shoulder, running his thumb across it. 

He then looked up at me again and shook his head, "I'm sorry!" he laughed nervously.

I laughed, "You're good!" He smiled again and put his hand on my waist, placing a kiss on my forehead. 

"I'll text you later," he said and walked out the door.

 For a second I just stood there in somewhat of a trance, thinking about what had just happened. "Ooooooooooh, (y/n), that was cute!" I heard Cya's voice from behind me. 

Turning around, I gave him the stink eye and went towards him and my brother, crutches clicking on the ground. I rolled my eyes as I came closer. "Shush Cya," 

He laughed, "Don't think we all don't know that you two have a thing for each other" 

Yonghoon gave Cya a weird look.

"Really?" Cya asked, "You totally noticed that Yonghoon I swear..." 

My brother laughed, "I'm kidding, of course I did, you guys are really cute!" 

I blushed, "We aren't together so..." 

Cya looked at me, "Well if not, I'm gonna have to tell Leedo to hurry up and get some courage. All the members approve, its just a matter of when." 

I blushed hard. 

"Yeesh Cya, leave the girl alone would ya?" Yonghoon laughed. 

"Sorry, I get excited!" Cya argued back, heading towards the door.

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