21| The Family Dinner pt.1

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chapter 21

WHEN I NOTIFIED the Queen that I wanted to come over to the palace for the weekend, mostly to spend time with Theo since we've been pretty distant ever since I started school and only had time for occasional phone calls between school and studying...

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WHEN I NOTIFIED the Queen that I wanted to come over to the palace for the weekend, mostly to spend time with Theo since we've been pretty distant ever since I started school and only had time for occasional phone calls between school and studying, she insisted that Mr.Graynor ought to collect me from Maugham to go to London. At first, I was a little sceptic about what the boys might think when they'd see that I practically have a personal butler, but then I realised that probably all of them, or most, have their own butler too considering how overwhelmingly rich their familes were. Hence, I loosened up on the fact that I was going on a casual visit to the Royal Palace, and treated it like any other day.

Rin stopped in my doorway in the middle of me shoving clothes into a bag. He had one of Noah's breakfast smoothies in his hands, taking quick sips. "You're heading out for the weekend?" he asked after he swallowed, grimacing from the strange taste of the green liquid. I haven't had the pleasure of trying it yet, but when I saw the grinded-up flaxseeds floating around in the thick juice, I swore to myself that I was never going to.

"Yeah, going to visit some uh.....family," I replied, scratching the back of my head nervously.  I wasn't sure whether to call them that yet.

Rin gave me his signature curious look and scoffed with amusement. "If you say so."

I rolled my eyes at his amused grin and watching him disappear down the hallway. The house was particularly quiet this weekend, and I think Alvin, Rin and only like three others were staying here for the weekend. Probably because their houses were way too far to travel to. Well, I'm sure if Rin wanted to he could get a ticket to fly over to Japan or Alvin to Germany quicker than a blink, but I guess it wasn't really worth going for only two nights, or one if you go on a Saturday.

Throwing my bag over my shoulder, I headed towards the open door but stopped when I saw the state that Leslie's side of the room was in. I was growing used to it, but that day in particular it was awful. There was more clothes scattered around the room than normal, and a bunch of his school stuff were sprawled on the floor or on the bed as if there has been an earthquake that just so happened to only hit his side of the room. Emitting a sigh, I dropped my backpack and sank down onto the floor, picking up several pieces of clothing to neatly drape it onto his desk chair. I didn't want to do him any favours, but that kind of mess was so painful to the eyes that I would end up thinking about it the whole day unless I did something about it. After, I quickly picked up the scrunched up blanket that hung off the edge of his bed and threw it over, not really bothering to flatten it down or make it too perfect—just somewhat presentable.  As I did it, I got a faint whiff of Leslie's scent, which was some sort of men cologne that smelled woody and fresh like brand new hotel linen and surprisingly a little bit like cinnamon, but I guessed that that was from something else. It was weird, how you could smell someone and feel like they were a completely different person, because for some reason—Leslie smelled...well he smelled like someone you'd want to give a hug to, I guess.

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