Goodbye camp!

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We had to get out of camp. It was the only way the prophecy could be fulfilled. The problem was getting Percy to do it. Guess. "But Annabeth can't come Percy, the prophecy said the forbidden child's FRIENDS! And Annabeth doesn't trust me. So she CAN'T come!"

"Please Atalanta, she went through TARTARUS with me and I also swore on the river Styx that I wouldn't leave her again!"

"Ok. Fine. She can come. Just don't let her interfere. Okay? We leave at 11.''

At 11 I met up with Hazel, Piper, FranK, Leo and Nico. Annabeth was walking towards us dragging a half asleep Percy behind her. "Ok demigods. We've got a camp to bust out of." I said as I walked towards Thalia's tree.

"I've got a better idea!"Leo shrieked and ran off.

"What's his idea?" I asked Piper

"Probably the Argo II."she said

"What's that?" I asked again

"That."she pointed up. I couldn't see anything but a rope ladder fell in front of me. I climbed but when I got to the top I was breath taken Leo was at a control board with a wii remote and there was a bronze dragon figurehead that was alive! Leo noticed me and grinned "Welcome to the Argo II! Ancient Greek flying trireme!"

"Wow.'' Were the only words able to come out of my mouth.

"Everyone's up!"came a shout from Nico

"K, let's GO!" Leo shouted and we were off

"Goodbye camp!" I shouted behind me.

😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I AM SO SO SO SO SO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN AGES YOU TWO READERS!!!!!!!!!! The charger for my iPad broke and I had to get a new one. Anyway lots of virtual hugs and cookies! (::)! I know my chappies are REEEEEALLY short but I'm 10 and preparing for 11+ so have a lot to think about (no excuse).My expression now 😪😊. ♥️ you guys!

The Forbidden Demigod. (A Percy Jackson fanfic) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now